Announcing the Loreshaper Games 2018 Game-Maker's Competition

For those familiar with the history of Loreshaper Games, we started out by running a game design competition, and now that we're back in the saddle again I want to take a moment to return to our roots by having a repeat.

Our primary objective as a company is to foster the creation of free and open games, and while we do that with our own games, we also want to encourage people to make other games that are also free and open.

So, to facilitate this, we're going to have a competition to encourage this. The competition will run in two phases: worldbuilding and game design, each with its own prizes. Competitors can enter one, or both phases. After each phase, we will choose three winners who will be rewarded with prizes of either 10 Steem or USD $30 (for six winners in total).

Phase 1: Worldbuilding

The worldbuilding phase will challenge creators to make the elements of a setting, using any means they feel fit: fiction, encyclopedia-style descriptions, historical accounts, or any other method of portraying their world.

The plan right now is to run the worldbuilding phase from June 1 to June 20, to give judges some time to go over the content before the second phase of the competition. Anyone is welcome to enter, even if they do not want to participate in the second phase of the competition.

To ensure that content is created for the competition, specific rules regarding the themes of entries will be announced on June 1.

Winners: Three, who will receive 10 Steem/USD $30 each, chosen by the judges. Winners will be announced on June 27th.

Phase 2: Game Design

The second stage of the contest is game design. The three winning settings from the first phase will be fair game for Phase 2, where creators will work on tailoring their mechanics to fully bringing out unique experiences within their setting(s) of choice.

The Game Design phase will run from June 27th to July 16th, with final winners to be announced near the start of August.

Right now we're aiming for traditional tabletop roleplaying games, but the contest is open to board games, card games, and digital games, should developers wish to experiment.

Winners: Three, who will receive 10 Steem/USD $30 each, chosen by the judges. Winners to be announced late July/Early August


We will have a panel of judges that consists of me over here at Loreshaper Games and other volunteers to be selected between now and the competition date: judges can commit to both phases of the competition or just one phase, though we strongly encourage judges to be involved in both for consistency's sake.

We're going to focus judging on subjective quality and originality, with a focus on leveling the playing field between different sorts of entries.

Terms and Conditions

By participating in this competition, you recognize that there is no formal relationship created between you and Loreshaper Games.
Competitors can enter as groups or individuals. Groups must select one individual to receive payment, and settle the distribution of any awarded prize internally.
Content entries must be released under a suitable open license: Creative Commons public domain and attribution licenses (but not Non-Commercial, No Derivative Works, or Share Alike licenses), the Open Game License, or our own Tabletop Attribution License are all acceptable.
Participants retain the rights to their intellectual property entered into the competition, although they must be appropriately licensed to be entered in the contest. Winning entries will be announced and linked to/hosted by Loreshaper Games.
All entries must be submitted to Loreshaper Games via Discord or Steemit.

Contact Us

If you have any concerns, feedback, or want to become a judge, feel free to contact us! You can reach us either via email at "contact [at]" or by joining our Discord server.

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