So, today I'm going to teach you how to be successful.
Oh by the way, if you want to check out the video for yourself, just click here:
Bill Gates video
The only reason why this photo is here is because I was on TV a few weeks ago and I truly feel incredibly proud. We all have our own little versions and stories when it comes to success. Don't stop trying, you'll get there.
Okay I just have to add one more- this was the opening night of the show I was on, it's called Tyd met Aleit. I will expand on this project some other time, but in the meantime if you want to check it out go to:
Tyd met Aleit
Lesson number 1: Life's not fair. Get used to it.
Stop expecting life to hand you things which you think you deserve. This might sound a little bit harsh but it's true. You have to work hard for what you want- and even if you do, shit still happens. Sorry mate.
Lesson number 2: The World doesn't care about your self-esteem.
Okay, this one sounds even more harsh. Ouchies. I guess my comment is: work on yourself, every single day. Make something of yourself. You will get rejected a few times but keep on going!
Lesson number 3: You will not make a six figure salary right after you leave school.
When I was growing up, my dad always said "Darling, the only job you start at the top, is when you dig a hole." As frustrating as this is, since all I want to do is buy a one way ticket to Bali and live in total luxury- good things take time.
Lesson number 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you meet the boss.
Put on some heels, slap on that confidence, and whatever you do- DO NOT CRY in the bathroom stalls. When I was a waitress in December, I would occasionally just go sit in a bathroom stall and cry. One day the boss found me. Look to be honest- it's normal to have these emotions, but don't take things personally. Everybody just saw me as a big softie and it sucked. It's not personal- they just want you to get the job done.
Lesson number 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity.
So being a waitress was a bit embarrassing, especially since many of my friends already work at Law firms. However, swallow your pride. I made so much money in such a short amount of time that I booked my ticket to Mexico in January. Totally worth it.
Lesson number 6: If you mess up, it's not your parent's fault.
Don't blame them just because you didn't attend a private school. Big whoop. Your grade 10 results won't really count for anything in the bigger picture.
Lesson number 7: Life is not divided into semesters.
Okay so I really dig this one. In high-school and university, life was bearable because there was always a holiday around the corner. However, in real life, it just goes on and on. So do something which is worth spending your time on, do something which sets your soul on fire. Personally, I am completely obsessed with events management- I'm happy to dedicate my professional life to it.
Lesson number 8: What you see on television is night real life.
I know, I also want the perfect job where I work in a little cafe which overlooks Italy and I come home every day at a reasonable time, only to find my husband cooking dinner with some soft Jazz in the background...but, we have to realize that careers take work, relationships take work, not everything will be perfect every single day.