Betrayal ( A short story)


(Explains the reason for the hatred harboured between the two brothers Vladimir and Feyd, in the Letalis Trilogy. )

To be honest I never understand why my brother had to leave. Why someone else’s problems was our concern. But Vladimir said it was important, but I don’t think even he realised, it would keep him from his home for 50 years.

What a dream it was at first, to have no one disapproving when the party went on for days, or how wrong it was to keep a human within my home for a month, solely to feed my thirst and lust.

However as the years became decades, I missed his company, missed his guiding wisdom, in short I became bored of irresponsibility.

It was the year 1140 when I felt another pureblood set foot on my lands again. I thought it was my brother returning, so instead of sending my house guard out to greet him, I sent them into town to get me some guest for a party of all parties to welcome him home. Imagining my surprise when those doors swung open and she stood there, Elizabet.

The room activity seems to disappear and all I saw was her. As our gaze locked the feeling of warm lust fill my body and my fangs began to ache to taste her, explore her. She felt it too, without a word I covered the distance that lay between us. I knew in that moment that she was the one I wanted to spend eternity with. 

“Who are you?” I whispered as I knelt at her feet taking her hand in mine to kiss it in greeting.

She looked down at me, her deep blue eyes pulling me in, sending a shot of delight down my spine.

“I am Elizabet.” Her face filled with delight and surprise at the warm welcome.

“Welcome to my home Elizabet, what twist of fortune has brought you to my home.”

The enchantment in her eyes at my reception faded as the reality of what brought her to my land seeped in. She slides her hand from mine and sadness and anger entered her expression. “I am to be Vladimir’s bride on his return.” I mirrored her disappointment as in that moment I knew she was forbidden to me. She was promised to my brother to better our bloodline and my duty as his younger brother was to make her welcome but not lay a finger on her.

I was loyal to my brother in the beginning, but she made it impossible for me not to act.

I was the prefect host, giving her the best chambers within our home. The lust I felt for her I supressed and expressed it through the gifts I brought her. Her wardrobe was filled with the latest fashions and the finest Jewels. I was polite but tried to avoid spending time with her, but she hunted me out. Appearing at my side when I galloped through the forest to town or when I took a stroll along the battlements. 

Every time her skin brushed against mine I felt the flipping in my stomach, my gums bleed in desire to taste her flesh, but I stayed loyal to my brother, to my bloodline.

Since my father took to his crypt to sleep, Vladimir took on the role of a father rather than a brother and I loved him for the freedom he allowed me, while he suffered the burden of running our lands. 

So I was determined to stay loyal, not to allow my lust to win over, but she had set her eyes on me and planned to pull out every bewitching trick to ensnare me.

The vastness of our castle and lands aided me in avoiding her. As the sun dipped below the horizon I was gallop off to town and entertain myself within their streets and taverns, only return to my home when the sun chased me back to my bed. This was my pattern and because of it I resisted her.

Yet in my dream I was unfaithful to my brother, within my dreams I gave into my lust and allowed my passion to flow. At the time I didn’t realise these dreams were not of my creation. As I slept she sneaked into my mind, my dreams and seduced me.

In the beginning it was just a sweet dream of us riding together on the back of my horse. Her sat side saddle in front of me, her arms wrapped round my neck whispering sweet words of love in my ears.

Then it processed and we would be laying in a moonlit meadow staring up at the stars her fingers entwined in mine kissing my neck, my mouth.

But it wasn’t long before the dream became erotic and night after blissful night we sealed our love within our dreams.

One night as I escaped the castle she was waiting in the forest. She stood across my path her arms out stretched. As I slowed the horse to turn it to avoid her, she grabbed the reins and slipped into the saddle in front of me. She sat as she had in my dreams and cast her seductive spell.

“I know you want me Feyd, I have dreamt your lust these past months.” I remained silent the feel of her breath against my neck was more delightful then it had ever been in the dream. “I want to feel you, taste your blood and feel your love.” Her lips kissed up my neck and I am ashamed to say I gave into my lust that night. I pulled her from the saddle onto the soft leaves of the forest floor, and as if the dream was my script I acted my part within that play of lust.

I woke the next night swearing to myself that it had been a mistake, a one off and I wouldn’t let it happened again. But night after night, week after week, months into the year we allowed our lust to turn into love. We throw the grandest parties and dinned till our veins ached with gluttony and I soon forgot my loyalty to my brother, my bloodline and I fell deeper under her spell.

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