Brillando en lo alto! Shining high - Sunthursday

La Naturaleza es realmente fascinante!

Ya que constantemente está cautivándonos con su belleza; haciendo de las cosas simples, algo realmente hermoso.

En mi afán por conseguir capturar ese lado diferente de las cosas, intento transmitir algo más que unas simples hojas; quiero captar el momento preciso cuando esta planta gracias a los rayos del Sol nos muestra con gran detalle su belleza.

Siendo la estrella principal de mi fotografía el Sol, que luce radiante mientras cumple su rol.

Espero sea de su agrado.

Nature is really fascinating!

Since she is constantly captivating us with her beauty; Making things simple, something really beautiful.

In my eagerness to capture that different side of things, I try to convey more than just a few leaves; I want to capture the precise moment when this plant thanks to the rays of the Sun shows us in great detail its beauty.

The Sun being the main star of my photography, which shines radiantly while fulfilling its role.

Hoping you like it.

My submission for #Sunthursday by @Lizanomadsoul
Thanks for making this challenge.

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