If you was a fan of the TV show The Following: Go behind the scenes with stuntworks

Tim Gallen was that stunt coordinator for this show. I was lucky to have worked on this show a few times. This was the last day I worked on the show. I liked the following, was one of the few shows I followed. I must say the last season after they killed James Purefoy aka Joe Carroll, I started to lose interest. I was hired to double one of the actors and help put together and edit the pre-viz of the fight.


Here is the previz the stunt team and myself did for the show. A pre-viz or previsualization is a test run of the action. As stunt people it's part of our job to create the pre-viz. There is a lot of money that goes into filming these scenes so by giving it a test run, the director gets to see and give his input and make changes, also gives the actors a chance to see what they have to learn and how it should look.


Kevin Bacon was hovering over me when I was editing the footage. That was cool he really nice and took interest in what we were creating. My friend Roberto Gutierrez who was the fight choreographer, starts talking to Kevin telling him how he's his favorite actor. I was rolling my eyes, but found out later it was true. My favorite was Sammo Hung but that a story for another post. I be bringing more behind the scenes in the future. Enjoy.

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