How it might work. Proposal. Suggestion. Logic.

The Hive

Howdy folks'.

I am going to start this proposal with a proclaimer.

I am of the opinion that the same thing will be done again as has been done many times previous. A core influential group gain a greater influence. The influential group that exists right now, I think would do better with some rivalry. Not in a bad way, but competition to develop things. I am not going to get into the rights and wrongs of things, just to say all the opinions hold a degree of righteousness. This concept should also cover the majority of those to some degree. Through this post I hope not only to show a proposal toward the structure of a forming organisation. I hold strong to the belief that in doing so. Not only does the structure need to be shown also how it will work.

It Can Be Done

We all hold our own idea's of what Steem could be might be should be or will be. Most of those idea's go to the value of Steem. Quite obviously the higher the value the more we can do with it. One of the key points here is the value, What are we trying to give value to? Is it a currency or an asset. This proposal look more toward the use of Steem as a currency. A currency accepted by individuals of any nation.

There are many technical or % values that cannot be predicted. This proposal does not take any of those into account and is the outline of a concept that should and needs to be developed.

I propose this project should be funded by a delegation from Steem Inc. Not a contribution or investment. This enables the withdrawal of the support should any misgiving's arise.

Primary Goals

The goals of this organisation would be to become.
Self reliant of external investment.
Support other projects which are ongoing or developing.
Remunerative project.
Community orientated.
Sustainable and progressive..

With any new venture it takes time to see the return for time or finance. Shown here is what i believe is the best method to bring a recurring financial support back to the Steem chain. In all circumstance things come back to the financial support a project can gain. For this reason, I feel sustainable industry should be utilised.

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The Beginning.

To begin the project a core account should be established. Access to this account should be restricted. Steem Inc There is no reason for anyone else to have any access to this account. This is merely the start account to provide funding for the committee accounts. The idea is not to grow this account, but to provide the finance needed for other areas of development. As other accounts grow. The Steem power in this account can be withdrawn.

(Development of the morals or value and proposed projection forward of the foundation roles will need to be established too in regards to where support is given.)

Roles within the structure of the organisation should eventually evolve to be paid positions. Who hold the keys in the long term would move away from Steem Inc or those who began in the project initially. To have the account work within a business environment independent of other entities also involved in the chain.

Votes from this account would be restricted to those accounts of the 11 or 12 organisation members which will be chosen by the community. Again, I would like one of those account to be held by myself to see my own project through. An agreed quantity of Steem power which will be harvested for the 12 committee accounts should be established. Note: The same for any supported projects.

Who is elected to each role and the function they play within the account will have to be decided upon according to the function of the account.

My own project is one designed to bring back finance to the Steem chain, through purchased services or goods. Consumers are waiting for us.

Along with The Hive ideal project 11 others can be ran too. This one project is a remunerative one. It will extend the project base it is involved in to areas that provide integration opportunity for the Steem chain. The other 10 - 11 project accounts, I am not going to try to attempt to name what they should be.

As an example.
Curating efforts These are wanted in various parts of the community. While I do not understand all the arts. I do like hearing the passion in their voice about what they do. For music of different genre. For visual artistic impression. For hand crafts. For writers. This one account will gain the ability to spread its vote to support 10 or more accouts under it. These can all be specialized to a specific need.

Development teams can be employed staff and gain rewards through a vote as a payment system From just one account of the 10 - 11 this account can also be grown to provide payment for those who work within it for the benefit of the chains development as a whole. One account supporting a multitude of others working on individual projects.

Good will projects such as @TARC or the @youarehope foundation. Not all projects undertaken should have a remuneration value.

Steem News People from all over the world, in every nation writing news of their locality. Breaking down those barriers of media control over what we see.

Any of these projects supported should be open to analysis by the committee of the elected parties and the core account key holders.

These are just examples to gives a name where none has been decided upon.

One main account growing 12 others, that each gain the ability to support 10 or more account. with each of the 12 account supporting another 12 focused accounts. We have the ability to support 144 different projects.

Established voting levels would have to be discussed. Should the rewards be % of vote, vote value, Steem value? What happens with fluctuations? To the most part this can be left to the individuals who manage each account as representative of those who elected them there.

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In my opinion. The ambition is to establish a foundation that will provide for a positive future of the Steem chain. For the Steem economy and functions. A remunerative initiative to provide for future investment without the need to take from the reward pool.

Using a vote as a method to support or promote ventures carried out through the chain we maintain the capitol which was put in.

The first projects to be established should be those with financial remuneration. If I was lucky enough to gain support on this project as the first to be funded by the community. Financial investment is the first thing which would needed. This can be provided by the vote from the core account. Currently over $100, self investment of this vote for the beginning of the project.

I would like to point out here for the last year I have heard that we need to get investors into the chain. Quite frankly, no! We need to invest with Steem into other industry. We have a haphazard method right now of people vying for control (many only protecting their investment). The chain is not meant to be controlled in this manner, by an individual or group. Which was previously expressed and about came the suggested foundation. We have had those who have held position over the last few years take us to where we are now. Blimey are we in some mess. Maybe it is time for some fresh minds to be given support and some new directions taken with the chain and it's ability.

We cannot account for daily monthly or yearly fluctuations in the Crypto markets. There will always be a what if? We can focus some effort to providing for a positive future.

Self investing the vote will be essential to supporting the committee accounts. I suggest these accounts select the 50/50 option on rewards to a post. This generates the initial growth to an account, The liquid Steem I recommend is accumulated to one of the account, (favourably mine) Used to generate a remunerative finance which can grow. This will bring each account up in its Steem Power and provide liquid finance which can be used to begin financial rewarding projects to the Steem economy and strengthen support to other projects. This sustainable growth of remuneration to the platform can be discussed in greater detail, right now is just to establish the concept.

While we begin with a delegation. I also propose that the delegation from Steem Inc is returned over time, At a 25% rate of increased Power. This would mean that when we have accumulated from 5 Million Powered up stake in the first core account. Steem Inc would reduce the delegation by 250K. After the first million has been reached this % would increase to 50%.

We have everything but the finance we need to do this and more.

Can we come together to generate it?

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How it works together.

Account A. Votes to Secondary accounts 1 - 11/12. Note: This core account over time will become null. As the committee accounts grow and have the ability to perform the tasks required. There will be no need for the core account

These 12 accounts build up their Steem power to reward/promote/support the projects and or direction their account is designed toward. As The committee accounts grow. The core account becomes redundant. Steem Inc should retain the Keys for these 12 accounts. These are support accounts to which elected members of the community are provided with access to perform the tasks needed by the account. (these positions should evolve to paid positions).

The requirements to be met for each committee may vary according to the direction taken. A maximum growth of Steem power should be established along with a maximum amount of reward in total an account can gain (dependant on varying needs). Some projects may need a higher financial support than others.

A fixed term should be put forward for this first committee member for each account. As the position develops into a paid role, An opportunity is there to advertise the positions or remain as run by elected members from the community.

I cannot speak for how other projects will run or what any of you feel is right wrong or what you are indifferent about.

Greater benefits come with time.

For myself, I would work in projects in the physical world that can return finance back to the chain with growth that will exceed and multiply over time. This returning income and exchange to Steem/SBD or payments with Steem/SBD. This also brings new opportunity to expand the knowledge of Crypto with Steem, These people when they think of Crypto will not think Bitcoin, they will think Steem. when asked if they have Crypto they will say they have Steem. They will not introduce Bitcoin to their friends, they will Introduce Steem.

Someone get working on a Steem wallet for my phone.

The first industry I would like to do this with is energy.
This may take the need for reserved accounts to be available if needed for a fast new account creation. This feature is already available as I understand.
I have some consumers ready to test this process % private households and one potential local shop. Without an initial financial investment, these will be done one at a time and begin to provide a return to the community in the purchase of Steem. Along with the possibility of new user to the platform along with the account.

12 consumer's each purchasing power from the foundation

Advantage of available grants can be taken for these projects.

The foundation will supply fit and maintain solar installations. The consumer agrees to the purchase of this power at a set rate. Ensuring a set amount of Fiat invested to the Steem chain each payment. (This rate should bring a reduced cost to the consumer. Growing the account to provide for the purchase and installation of a unit per week should be aimed for,

At this point the energy foundation should be self sufficient and no longer needs the support it has received. At this time, I would like to be able to divert some of the resources to accommodation and the possibility of Crypto loans.

Eventually reaching water purification or desalination.

These are all long term projects and may need support for 10 years before they are just remunerating the chain. This does not mean there has been no profit by the chain gained.

Profits will be there from established projects. Developing projects will use the rest of the time.

These projects can also support education, some medical care, research and development of the things the community decides both for the chain and the lives we live in society.

Personal Note: In this project I hope to achieve for myself paid employment. The reason to do this project this way is so, A foundation designed to reduce the cost of living is not making wealth for any single individual. It would be my hope that one day we can have this part of the foundation which is monetized also work like the committee members elected and the remuneration gained is also directed by the community to other areas of development to open more resources to ore people by reducing the costs to the necessities of living in today's society.

No one owns it. It works for people.

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Some other groups I invite you to take a look at are:
The @IFC Discord group:
The @cryptoempire Discord Server:
The @asapers Discord Server:
The @buddyup Discord Server:
The @steemitramble Discord Server:
The @thealliance Discord Server
The Whaleshares Server

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