I worked on paintings this weekend a bit... I really need to INCREASE how often I work, AHH. although, i have been thinking about what is behind the work more, which should still be considered *work*.

Ive been kind of distracted with trying to buy a house in the hood lol. the last place in chicago that is ungentrified. ive been stoked on this house, which ive been trying to manifest owning, and raising chickens on.

I also scored some herba mate wich i dont think is actually all that good for O blood types. I might try to grape-fast soon.

See? im easily distracted ! BACK TO THE ARTWORK. I bought a couple small canvases from my friends shop for 80% off. 

so i started ...

and added...

looks better now. ill probably add more layers cuz im obsessive like that. thats the thing, i can paint a good picture so fast that it leaves me unsure if the painting is good. HOW to paint comes from the **spirit world** 

i had to let that one dry, so i started the next one.

lol why im showing you pictures of a blank canvas is beyond me. its fun, as the artist, to stare at the blank canvas, as long as you dont stare too long and get PAINTERS BLOCK. lol

lines baby. way too much white in this painting lol

much better! see? i like this painting, but ill probably end up making layers on top of it. hmm... but whyy?


hmm, distracted again... this painting.....

is it done? should i add a shape on top=? looks like it NEEDS SOMETHING...

any feedback appreciated


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