What to do if you don't have any talent?

Dear Steemians,

after my crocodile mode of watching people, I now got hungry again ;) #creativecomp

I noticed that the word "talent" is often used in an inflationary way: Whether someone tries to put others to the ground by saying "you don't have any talent", "you are boring", "you'll never manage that alone", and simultaneously biologistic arguments are flowing in like "it was always like that", "you are born xyz", or someone praise you to the sky, to glorify you or indulge in reminiscences, it is hardly to say which of these two groups are really aware of their own talents. For sure someone who has worked as a ballet dancer for many years and sees him/herself at the end of the career ladder in an audience of the local opera house, will likely have a different reminiscence than someone who is moved to tears by the played music at the same time.

And then there is another group at the end of the table: They have never had the possibility to learn an instrument, their parents had never the money, or did not want to spend it for "the arts" and they see themselves now in their early thirties, regret the things that never happened and now try to compensate as good as they can, take e.g. piano lessons every Wednesday, learn how to play Mozart, Bach and Beethoven, enjoy the music, are advised by their music teachers on low heat. Being a back burner would probably even be a compliment. Apart from the fact that classical music scene is a conservative, slowly thinking/acting and sexist scene with restricted world view and tunnel vision, it seems also to be related to age discrimination in a perfidious way. How often does the so called "Wunderkinder", the prodigies of our profoundly sick societies are wrenched on stage to entertain and show what humanity has achieved so far. How often does these bright stars on the media firmament witness when giving an interview never being pushed or being obliged to anything by their lovely parents. How often does these thirty, forty or fifty something compensators hear from their low heat cooking teachers that competition is so hard and that beginning at an early stage of life would have been crucial to reach the stars. Yes, we always should stay realistic. We should live our dreams, but not to forget to "fit in" whatever ugly and disgusting faces we have to look into right now.

Of course, this post was meant to lift the mood of every desperate creature on that planet, to give good advice that would change one's life forever and always, would receive the highest voting range and explode in comment section below like a firecracker. For everyone who has expected less has to be disappointed right now. I'm sorry! I'm dreaming big or how you would say in German, "wer immer artig ist, wird niemals großartig", i.e., someone who is always well-behaved and polite will never reach the stars. One can also be sure, when he/she wants to see the stars it has to be night or dark at least. Everyone who stucks in the limbo is in good company. Congratulations! You have built the fundament of "reaching the stars", now you can see them and you can evaluate how far they are away from the state you're currently lost or trapped in.


In case you're in depressions, consider yourself as lucky, cause the product that will appear out of your struggle with the world will differ from the other shitty crap describing itself as unique, special or extraordinary, in so far as they have not gone through same hell as you did. Trust me, burned and blistered heels, bloodstained faces always give an impression of what's going on, they make a kind of impact. And be prepared, when you have reached your stage on top, you'll never have the same kind of opportunity in your life again. A videogame released in 2010 called "limbo" broaches the issue what to do, when your options are limited. The protagonist is entirely weaponless, but not unarmed in the sense of "without arms", he is only able to jump or move objects. One could claim, he is not blessed with any other talents. His abilities are apparent, but far away from boring. This is, because creativity takes place in whatever form. Tricks, being able to manipulate items and knowing when to act are talents. Unfortunately, expressions like "tricks" or terms like "manipulate" and "playing" does not necessarily have positive connotations. This may also be due to the fact, that not everyone is possessor of these talents, has ever taken time, limited options or allegedly weak positions as serious or they have experienced how impactful the use of "hidden talents" really can be. Too often no one is reporting these highly interesting moments rather licking their wounds. In case you're able to dispose over knowledge no one else can, you possibly could gather further experience in a bonus round to receive further insights most certainly no one else will have. Keep sharpening and refining your talents! They are waiting for you being sharpened.

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