The art of communication: 20 tips to master the art of modernity and dialogue

The art of communication


  1. People's views are different:
    I know that the opinions of people differ in most things, as their moods vary, their lengths and forms, and differences of opinions should not lead to differences of hearts; wise mind demands a right, and the Savior does not differentiate between the right to appear on his hand or at the hands of others; Discount, and thank him if he shows the error.

  2. Learn and discuss:
    Do not discuss a topic that you do not know very well, and do not defend an idea unless you are fully convinced of it. So if you want to talk about a particular topic, prepare your material well and be confident that your information is correct, so as not to offend yourself or your idea.

  3. Choose the right envelope:
    The discussion in the lecture hall is not discussed in a public park, and the time before departure is not enough to talk, and the hungry group or those coming from a distant journey want food or Comfort, do not prefer to speak.

  4. Do not interrupt:
    Do not interrupt anyone in the course of his words; it is contrary to the literature of modern, wait until it ends, and ask gently: Can I start?

  5. less talk:
    Do not take the words, and the keeper of the time, and do not look forward to the words to dull listeners and wish you were silent.

  6. People happened to the extent of their minds:
    People are not one model, and the subject is understood by someone who may not like another. People do not talk about things above their level or below their level; they will not listen to you.

  7. Watch yourself:
    Watch yourself as you talk or talk, do not raise your voice, do not cut your eyebrows, and draw on your face expressions of comfort and calm and smile.

  8. Be eloquent:
    Adjust your words, perfect your language, and be clear in expressing what you want, so that your style is smooth, and your speech free of mistakes.

  9. Use examples:
    Take advantage of examples; one good example is better than three pages of weak speech, good example illustrates the idea, and convincing, and remains in mind.

  10. Look for common points:
    Start your dialogue with the common points between you and the listener or listeners; it is called to accept your words, and let the other feel that the idea is not your idea.

  11. Do not be shy to say: I do not know:
    If you are asked what you do not know, then say: I do not know, and do not hesitate from that

  12. best listening:
    In his famous book "The Seven Habits," Stephen Covey states that successful people first try to understand what others are saying and then make an effort to understand and clarify their views.

  13. Take control of yourself:
    Be careful not to be drawn to what loses you control of yourself; there are people who do not seek the truth, trained on the debate and debate, and may be lying to mislead the embarrassment of the other party; Be conscious and do not fall prey to them.

  14. Secretariat Secretariat:
    Be honest in presenting information, do not cut off context, or isolate them from the appropriate, and the most precious information to their sources, as you can.

  15. Differentiate between the idea and its words:
    Refuted the idea that sees its error, and proved the invalidity without harming the owner.

  16. For each article article:
    Remember that each article has an article, and that what is known is said; what is appropriate to say in front of men, may not be appropriate to say to women, and what should be said in private councils, may refrain from saying in public forums.

  17. Fair equity:
    Be fair! Agreed on the right, and commended the good points in the talk of the other party, and you like it, and argued Baltti is better; Challenge and the crowd may make you gain positions, but you lose hearts.

  18. What is the purpose of talking ?:
    He tried to reach a result; the hadith is a jubilation, and it often diverges to branches far from the original. If the conversation deviates from its path, then prepare it for him.

  19. You may be wrong:
    Do not expect people to agree with you; you are likely to be wrong and likely to turn the fancy between you and your consent if you are right. Expect this so that you do not get angry, do or disappoint.

  20. It makes no sense:
    Close the discussion or talk if you find it useless.


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