Rescuing the Rescuers: Curating Those Who Support Us

Tazwell Animal Rescue Center

TARC's Rescuer Roundup

TARC is an organization with limited support from its local community. The Steem community, however, has shown astounding support for our efforts. This post, hopefully many more will come, will highlight some of our rescuers: the people on Steem whose support enables us to keep on rescuing animals from our local community.

Before Steem stepped up and we were blessed by the outpouring of love and funds from this community, TARC had to suspend intakes and was struggling to keep our permanent sanctuary residents in kibble. But funded by SBD and STEEM and the generous FIAT donations from Steemians, we have recently saved many dogs from tragic situations and transitioned them to our northern rescue partners and safe new homes.

With STEEM and SBD in a downswing, we may need to tighten our belts again, but Steem continues to be our salvation. This community has renewed our belief in humanity and brightened the future for many needy animals.

Our Rescuers

The following is a selection of our avid supporters with links to current posts of theirs where the SBD or a portion of the payout has been pledged to TARC. Please consider visiting them to support their efforts in helping us.


While discussing monochrome photography and art over on @thewritersblock Discord server, this gem of unintended poetry was salvaged and #EditedByClay and has been pledged to TARC.

To Colour, or Not to Colour


Working in the ER during flu season can be a very brutal job. One exhausting on call night for @tinypaleokitchen resulted in some frustration vented on TWB that got turned into this unintended poem.

Flu Season


Talented artist @derangedvisions offers not only the proceeds of a fundraising post, but the opportunity to get high quality digital art in poster-quality resolution for the cost of a donation to TARC!

Fundraiser To Save The Animals


Regardless of crypto values, Steem and Discord build a network of kindness. @katarina-ariel wants #teamgood to participate in changing the world. Post payout divided between @tarc and @youarehope.

We Are the Change


@thinknzombie tells of his childhood entries into creative writing--reading imaginary books, making up his own plot. The discussion became beautiful unintended poetry.

Creative Writing


What's a girl to do when two guys suddenly express an interest in her? Advice from @bex-dk edited into poetic form.

On Dating Two Guys

Supporting TARC

We realize this curation post is unlikely to be complete. If you have a post supporting TARC that is less than 7 days old that isn't mentioned here, please DM the link and info to @rhondak on Discord or drop by @thewritersblock Discord server and ask one of our greeters or mods to add your link to the #rhondas-rescue channel.

We'd like to encourage our supporters to use the tag #tarc on posts pledged to the rescue and to consider checking this tag for posts when you have some VP to spare in our support. Anyone found abusing this tag will be downvoted by a group of our supporters.

TARC is a 501(c)3, state-reporting home-based rescue in Virginia. Any US supporters who need a receipt for their donation should contact @rhondak to make arrangements. FIAT donations can be sent through our PayPal account . You can also talk to @rhondak if you want to arrange to donate by sending funds directly to our veterinarian or want to donate actual bags of dog food. Every penny and every piece of kibble makes a difference.

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