Tarot Tip -1: Using the Minor Symbolism in a Reading

9 of Pentacles Ladies.

It is very important to work with a deck that has symbolism you connect with because that is part of the foundation for being able to maximize the capacity to receive accurate or at least useful information.

@TarotbyFergus did a post yesterday on gauging the energies of the recent Half Moon. A theme in his reading was 'action replaces melancholy' which was quite relevant to me and other individuals in the comment section.

@artedellavita posted a comment, and then the following conversation happened:

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This reading is a very good example on the importance of minor symbolism in the cards that can relay relevant information if your refined intuition is inspired to comment on it.

I spent more time looking at the last card that came up, the 9 of Pentacles since that was the outcome card, showing @artedellavita as a financially successful independent female enjoying the fruits of her labor as as by-product of her discipline, skill and grace. I intuitively connected with sensuality of the 9 of Pentacles woman and was able to identify some of her specific details as potentially relevant (at the time I did not know to what extent!)

Lo and Behold, Ms.@artedellavita 's business idea is a vintage boutique and she loves buying purses.

My advise to Tarot enthusiasts when analyzing the cards: Try to connect intuitively with some of the minor details of a card. You might tap into some highly relevant information that will make your querent connect with your reading more. It of course takes practice to develop this intuitive skill, so get crack'n.

{This post has been entered to ONSTELLAR's contest right here.}


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