The Star of David Hexagram - A Divination Pattern

Corresponding planets in The Tree of Life.
(Image from Pinterest.)

I prefer to use sacred geometry patterns for Tarot spreads. One of my favorite patterns to use is The Star of David hexagram where each vertex corresponds to a Sephirot on The Tree of Life.

The Star of David hexagram, where each vertex of the hexagram corresponds to a particular planetary energy that corresponds to a sephira on The Tree of Life in Qabalah.
(Image from Pinterest.)

Going clockwise starting from the top:

Saturn – Represents the influence of supernal Divine trinity energies above the abyss (the interplay between Kether, Chokmah and Binah.)

Jupiter – Chesed energies/Ideal situation or form/trajectory of energies/how the situation will expand.

Venus – Netzach energies/relationships/sexuality/sensuality/physical form.

Moon – Yesod energies/feelings on a matter/reflections.

Mercury – Hod energies/thoughts on a matter/strategy/communication/science.

Mars – Geburah energies/opposing forces.

Sol – Tiphareth energies/ego/personality/what is being shown.

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