Nomnom Experiences - Eating my Heart out at Dunkin' Donuts

On my way to the dock, I was supposed to meet a friend at Dunkin' Donuts

Now, you don't have to tell me twice to go to Dunkin' Donuts. Eventhough, I am not a sweet tooth as such (savory all the way!), donuts are one of my weaknesses.


Then what does Dunkin Donuts do? They make three weaknesses into Kryptonite (= Donut + Tasty + Cartoons). They leave me no choice but to buy a donut. Wait, did I say a donut? Let's make it simply donuts. After all "you can't live on one leg," as my grandmother used to say.

I simply loveLoVELOVE the Dunkin' Donuts' specials. It gives donuts a whole 'nother dimension and level of entertainment.

I mean, you can't deny this adorable Cookie Monster face, now can you? To be fair though, this time they kinda missed out on flavor - who puts peppermint sprinkles on a donut? That doesn't make the donut any less cuter though!

Pro's of Dunkin' Donuts

  • Donuts
  • WiFi!
  • Nice places to sit with power outlets
  • More donuts!

Are you also a fan of Dunkin' Donuts? Or are you a fan of another donut place? Let me know! Because if the latter is the case, I definitely need to check that ish out.

Restaurant Information

Dunkin' Donuts
Jl. Hang Tuah No.25, Sanur Kaja, Denpasar Sel., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80227, Indonesia


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My name is Shannon, I am a digital designer and I am currently on my world trip which I am exclusively blogging about on Steemit! :D There is not a specific goal to my trip other than to have fun, discover places and unravel the secrets of Thailand, Malaysia, India, Indonesia and the USA (for now). Follow me on my adventures!

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