我是纹身师gogo - 纹身作品照片应该被美化吗?

There are so many masters working in the tattoo industry. Some tattoo masters silently make tattoos in a low-key attitude, some of them like to share their works through social media or gogo.tattoo, some artists which really really pursuit the perfection of their tattoo works, so they use some software to make the tattoos look better. In China online tattoo groups evaluated that these artist who using software to modify the original tattoo work are fake tattoo masters, they are the ones who are fishing benefit. But I think those artists did nothing wrong. They just want to show that very ultimate image of their minds.


I believe that all tattoo artists are trying their best to satisfy all the clients for every tattoo demand. Tattoo photos while prettified can not be called as hypocritical. When we post our Instagram photos we also like to prettify the photos, right?

我相信每个纹身师都是本着负责任的态度,为客户完成每个纹身需求。并不可以说他们使用软件美化照片就是虚伪,平时我们的朋友圈,Instagram 照片也都是经过美化再发布的不是吗?

Filters, brushes, adjust, improve the brightness, contrast and saturation, fuzzy tools, and some other functions, then the tattoo photo editing is done. Transfer drawings, tracing, disinfection preparation, preparing pigment cups and the machine and after few hours of buzzing in the gazing of client, then the tattoo got done. Each of these steps are the process of making arts and personalize the world of the tattoo.


After tattoo artists spend few hours of effort and do the work, maybe they will take some pictures in a clean background with a suitable light, and then pick some good angles to take some more pictures. Because everyone could have the pursuit of perfection, it is totally understandable that we want to make the tattoo photos as perfect as possible. If the photos are not good enough, then put some filter on it. This is the essence of a tattoo artist who seeks perfection.


I have a tattoo artist friend, who loves to publish his work on social platforms. He always takes pictures with a messy tattoo studio background. Then directly posts to the social platforms. Sometimes he is judged as having a bad skill, just because the photos he took is not clear enough. I guess he needs gogo.tattoo to help him take cool process photos.

我有一个纹身师朋友A,他喜欢在社交平台上发布自己的作品,我看他每次在纹完之后,都会 擦拭干净,在工作室乱七八糟的背景里拍照。他会从东南西北几个方向拍一下,制作的细节拉近再拍一下,然后直接发布到社交平台上。待客人恢复完之后,如果再次看到也会拍照转发。A的纹身店毕竟不是专业的照相馆,难免有补光效果差的地方,他花几个小时做出来的作品有时候就凭借着因为照片里的光线不足,所以不够好看,就被他的网友们全盘否定了。这也是太无辜了。所以他需要gogo.tattoo

Most of my tattoo work processes have been recorded on gogo.tattoo/gogo


My client requires me to tattoo the work from Brando Chiesa, an awesome artist from Italy.

我的客人需求我纹意大利艺术家Brando Chiesa的作品。


I want to edit my tattoo work as perfectly as the original photo, but I still want to show the real skill of mine. Every tattoo process photo is shown without editing, just like this tattoo.


gogo.tattoo/gogo is my album.


Maybe it will take me some time to reach the level of Brando Chiesa as a tattoo artist.
About editing tattoo photos, I choose to say no to it. Because these tattoos are all been recorded by gogo.tattoo offical steemit account. And my clients are over the world. Maybe one day you meet the wearer of my tattoo works, please say hi to them for me~

也许我的这个纹身还不能达到艺术家Brando Chiesa这样的极致,但是对于美化图片,我选择不。因为世界各地都有我的纹身客人,我选择不美化是因为真实的纹身作品总有一天会被你找到的。:)如果你找到携带我作品的客人们了,请替我向他们问好~

You can see every single little needle point from the photo of Taurus_roases


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