A flat disc carefully balanced on the backs of four (arguably five) elephants which in turn stand on the back of a giant turtle, named Great A'Tuin, who peacefully cruises through space and time. This is the fabulous world of one of the most brilliant writers of all time, Terry Pratchett.
His books are a must-read for everyone! They frequently parody or take inspiration from other famous fantasy writers, as well as mythology, folklore and fairy tales. Most of the times he uses the fantasy setting and characters for satirical parallels with current cultural, political and scientific topics.
“The Last Continent” for instance is based on Australie, “Moving Pictures” is about the origin of Cinema, and “Making Money” tackles our banking system.
My hubby @menta is an even bigger Pratchett fan. He was actually the one who made me read the books in the first place.
There is no doubt that this man was a brilliant and super creative mind.
But why did we choose matching Pratchett tattoos?
5 years ago we got married on a beautiful Caribbean island, no family or friends involved, just us.
If you are curious why we decided to get married without friends and family read: Why We Didn't Invite Family Or Friends To Our Wedding
At some point during our 4-week-getting-married holiday, we decided to get matching tattoos because we are not the ring-wearing people.
Because a turtle is the national symbol of Curacao and we kinda like turtles too, we first decided on a turtle on our wrist. However, that sounded a bit boring and being two Pratchett fans it didn’t take us long to switch to the idea of a Great A’tuin tattoo.
Done!! Terry Pratchett’s Great A’tuin seemed a good fit for our wedding ring. Turtles are the national symbol of Curacao, it is an island with one big mountain too, and Terry Pratchett is our fav author. Can’t really justify the elephants, but hey we couldn’t leave them out of the picture ;-)
Because of the detail, we needed more space so the wrist was no opion... the belly it was!
The original pic minutes after mine was done
So that’s the story behind our tattoos
Thanks for reading and special thanks to @papa-pepper for keeping the tattoo contest running.