Is this the last Tattoo Story Contest?

As @papa-pepper is running his last Tattoo Story Contest I want to share this story.

He is offering to hand its management over, I hope someone takes up the task. It’s a good one. It’s a great way to hear from a steemian, as they share an intimate piece of their lives.

Unlike my last entry this tattoo was planned. I researched the artist I wanted, contacted him with ideas, and made an appointment for a consultation.

I chose a studio named Authentiink. The owner Horisumi Kian Forreal is amazing. He mostly works on full Japanese body suits, WHICH I LOVE, and has a lengthy waiting list. He handed over my comparatively small job to a colleague. Authentink have a great team of talented artists.

This tattoo is a coverup. Not of another tattoo, but of scarring.

Scars obtained a lifetime ago. Remnants of a time otherwise forgotten, or at least buried in a vault in a corner of my mind. Just the sight of them however unlocked that box and its contents. It brought forth a time that is passed, and prevented its memory from being left where it belongs-

In History.

I couldn’t decide if this was a story best suited to this challenge or Papas new challenge, The Scar Story Contest

Perhaps it’s the perfect segue to this exciting new challenge.

We all have scarring. They are a sign of survival and healing as much as they are trauma. I’m looking forward to the vast range of stories to come, as diverse as life itself.

My story, I would prefer to erase forever. It was for that reason that I wanted it covered.

I had it covered with a pair of Kingyo. (Basically goldfish, but doesn’t it sound better in Japanese?)

I chose kingyo rather than the popular choice Koi, as I think they are a nicer fish to look at.

Fish symbolise many things in different cultures, from prosperity to fidelity.

For me they represent the eternal cleansing of water. I also regained a healthy life balance with a return to my love of swimming. Water represents the path that lead me back to better times.

More importantly the fish also represent my husband, and father of my children. He is a Pisces. Although traditionally a Pisces image has the tails tied, I chose to have both tails fan up, because I liked the effect.

Although I myself don’t hold literal beliefs regarding astrology, it is an interest of my husbands. My tattoo represents a belief in him more so than a belief in astrology. We will have been together twenty years this January, this reality to me is more magical than any mystical stargazing.

I have had him by my side longer than I have been without him. He has withstood everything with me, we have created life together, and he has stayed with me through some tough times.

That warrants commemorating.

Often it is said, “Don’t get peoples names tattooed unless they are your children.” I have resisted doing that. I don’t know what the future holds, but I struggle to imagine ever regretting this tribute to him. I hope life never takes us in different directions, I don't even want to imagine life without him, if it does I will always have this as a memento of our years.

Each foot took about two and a half hours.


I have had tattoos before, and I thought I new what to expect, but nothing could prepare me for the experience of a foot tattoo.

On the outside I maintained a calm demure. A yoga teacher once told me, “If you relax your face in a pose you relax your body.” I pretended I was relaxed (I think I freaked out the artist a bit), to a degree I embraced the experience, I visualised discarding the past and welcoming the future.


I love these tattoos.

I didn't quite finish the orange one. I meant to go back for a touch up and a bit more shading and colour, but I struggle to prioritise the time and money.

They really have changed how I feel about myself.

I face the future with confidence and positivity.

My relationship has healed the past. To cover its remnants with a symbol of love and appreciation is perfect, no matter what fortune or destiny awaits us.

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