Medicinal Tea vs Commercial Tea

Many people do not know that there is a vast difference between true medicinal teas and commercial boxed tea. One might read about echinacea's anti-microbial properties, and think that a commercially pre-bagged and boxed tea will heal them, because it has echinacea in the ingredients...but this is generally not the case.

The first major difference, is that true medicinal teas are about 5x stronger, depending on the herbs used.

The second, is in the preparation. Commercial boxed teas, especially pre-bagged, have all herbs mixed together, and directions are Always to infuse. A true medicinal will often have 2 or more steps with various methods of preparation, with herbs measured by weight or volume to interact and balance, to create the healing needed.

Over the next few months I will be going into the processes, and why we use them. Which herbs fall into specific prep styles, and how the process brings out the healing properties.

Migraine treatment 1a.jpg

This is a {Steemit Original] All words and photos by Elew

To read my other Medicinal Herb posts...

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