Team Australia Charity Update

Gday Everyone,

Quick update for everyone on the progress of the donations.

We have had a few awesome donations come in since the last time I did an update, the people we all need to thank are @jackmiller and @millers, @bigdizzle91, @ausbitbank, @shellyduncan, @scooter77, @ligayagardener, @bmj, @buggedout, @discordia and @goldenarms. I think that covers everyone, if i missed anyone I apologies.
Everyone thanks you very much.

In other news, Ausbitbank and I have cashed out some Steem while the price was epic into Fiat ready to make some purchases. This is sitting in a seperate account, quarantined from other real life expenditures. I'm planning on heading down to the dog track this arvo, I've got a hot tip on a roughy that going to give us 20X gains on that cash.
Ok I'm joking about that, but Ausbitbank has put a memo on the TA wallet recording where the cash has gone.

On the topic of the gifts, I'm currently haggling with some dealers on Ali Baba to get discounted products shipped to us. They are in agreement what we are doing a good deed, we're just trying to get the prices right. I'm hoping to have this nailed down this week.

Well thats it for now, I'll be back with a new update in another week or 2, hopefully with some product on the sea heading our way.


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