Hypocritical Left Wing Media

The Australian Home Affairs Minister, Peter Dutton, is under fire for comments he made about providing some targeted refugee assistance to the white farmers in Africa that are being slaughtered under the current regime over there.

The South African government is demanding an apology and stamping their feet like a little 5yr old kid.

But why shouldn't Australia offer refugee assistance to a minority group that are being persecuted and killed?

In the 80's and 90's the world boycotted South Africa because of its anti-black policies of Arpathied. That was the right thing to do, the white overlords were stopping their black subjects from having a vote and a million other things. Through all this, and before in the 50's and 60's the African National Council was born, which while some say it was a political organisation was really nothing more than a group of terrorists. Through the ranks came a litany of Black African figures, the most famous of all being Nelson Mandela.

So we generally all know the story, the Black African's won and broke the ties of this White overlords and Arparthide was over. But then the retributions started. The White farmers were chased off their lands, many were murdered. South Africa became what many of my co-workers describe, a hell hole.

So back to the case at hand, if a minority race are being persecuted, why shouldn't a powerful country such as Australia step in and offer refugee status and protections. Thats what refugee programs are for aren't they?

But it would seem that the Australian media and left wing bleeding hearts think that these white farmers aren't worthy of our protection.

The protection offered by Australia should be freely offered to all persecuted groups. These people certainly aren't Economic Refugee's as most of the Indonesian and Pakistani refugees are, as they have their own farms and a good life. They are true refugees, people that are afraid for their life.

Sadly, the problem all boils down to the stupid word, DIVERSITY. These white farmers aren't diverse enough. Basically reverse racism, they are too white for the lefties. Black refugees pull at the heart strings much more than a white refugee. And thats really sad.

Lastly, just so there is no question. My personal views of immigration are this. There should not be a cut in immigration numbers, nor a rise. I do firmly believe that we should more precisely target legitimate refugees and bring them to Australia on Temporary Protection visas. Then once the risks have subsided, they are returned to their country to live in peace. Australia needs to stop accepting economic refugees and supporting them for life. There should be no differentiation as to who comes, be it black, white, yellow or pink or their religious beliefs. So long as they uphold Australian values while here, and are prepared to leave once the time comes.


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