My predictions are officially better than Haejin!!

So last week I made a few predictions about the prices of Bitcoin and Steem.

Bitcoin I had predicted to go to $6K. At the time it was sitting around $9600 and bottomed out yesterday at about $7400. So I'm going to chalk that up as a win.
At the same time, the lord of predictions was spouting on about how Bitcoin has touched the resistance lines and its going to smash higher with absolute certainty.

Steem I had predicted to head to about $1 before heading back up again.
At the time it was sitting at about $2.57, and bottomed out yesterday at about $1.50 So again I'm going to chalk it up as a win, maybe I was being a bit hard or too negative, but we still dropped well into the $1 region and its my post, so I say its a win.

At the same time, Haejin has reported that all the indicators point towards a decent breakout with Steem. He does cover his ass to a degree by saying that it COULD go lower still, but still hints strongly that its more than likely going to breakout.

So if you want THE BEST crypto prediction tool in the universe stay tuned to the next post, I'll spell out my secrets in all the gross details.


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