Some ridiculous thoughts floating through my brain.

Ok I've got nothing sensible to tell you today, so here are some mental thoughts I have floating around my old grey matter.

1) If a pregnant woman goes swimming, does she become a human submarine

2) What letter is silent in the word "Scent"

3) Do all animals speak the same language and are their regional dialects. Can a Russian dog understand an Australian dog.

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4) If you're told to expect the unexpected, doesn't that make the unexpected expected?

5) Should a bald person use Shampoo or Soap on their head?

6) Why is W called Double U, shouldn't it be called Double V

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7) Why don't Jedi's use the force and turn off their opponents light sabers.

8) The only thing that does their job after they have been fired are Bullets and Fireworks

9) Why do Noses run and Feet smell?


10) Why don't steamrollers roll steam?

11) Why don't corner shops sell corners?

12) If you were a security guard at Samsung, would that make you the Guardian of the Galaxies?


13) Why is Greenland covered in Ice and Iceland is covered in Green?

14) Dora calls herself and "Explorer" but she only ever treks through Mapped territories

15) If you drop a bar of soap, is the soap dirty or is the floor clean


*Some of these were sourced through HelloU comedy on Facebook.
**All images sourced from Google Images

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