25 days ago I wrote my first post here on Steemit. Called "FROM $0 TO A $1,000,000.00 in 28 steps"
.......... & I shall be using the following math:
o Step 1: "Find a cent lying on the ground"
o Step 2: 1 cent-2 cents
o Step 3: 2 cents-4 cents
o Step 4: 4 cents-8 cents
o Step 5: 8 cents-16 cents
o Step 6: 16 cents-32 cents
o Step 7: 32 cents-64 cents
o Step 8: 64 cents-$1.28
o Step 9: $1.28-$2.56
o Step 10: $2.56-$5.12 (Call it $5 to make it easier)
o Step 11: $5-$10
o Step 12: $10-$20
o Step 13: $20-$40
o Step 14: $40-$80
o Step 15: $80-$160
o Step 16: $160-$320
o Step 17: $320-$640
o Step 18: $640-$1,280
o Step 19: $1280-$2560
o Step 20: $2560-$5120 (Call it $5000 to make it easier)
o Step 21: $5000-$10,000
o Step 22: $10,000-$20,000
o Step 23: $20,000-$40,000
o Step 24: $40,000-$80,000
o Step 25: $80,000-$160,000
o Step 26: $160,000-$320,000
o Step 27: $320,000-$640,000
o Step 28: $640,000-$1280,000
Basically, as I achieve each goal I shall cross out that step. Easy to manage and follow.
Yep, been selling stuff off, via Gumtree (online classifieds) and even had a garage sale since then, brought in $892 from the garage sale.
So, now we have purchased some items via online auctions with the money as it came in from selling our not needed stuff off, and that is now up for sale on Gumtree.
So Hopefully, soon enough we should be able to collect a nice lump sum of money to invest into Steem and then start producing some better results here on Steemit.com.
Of course we will not stop with what we have been doing so far, but I dare say that the process will get a little bit slower as the numbers start getting bigger. (common sense really)
HOWEVER..... If all goes well and we keep working hard here on Steemit.com and after we invest the money that we make from what we sell off via Gumtree, we should be able to start making some serious headway within a few months, maybe earlier, but I'll rather extend the deadline to a few months, just to be on the safe side of things!
I seriously hope that we sell our property in Europe off ASAP so that I can go home to Australia, miss my family a lot and it should make things a lot easier from that point onwards. Not to mention the fact that living so far away from each other does take its tole on all of us.... but as you can see, where there is a will, there is a way!
ref: steemit.com/million/@jackmiller/from-usd0-to-a-usd1-million-in-28-steps