It was hot and 'Steemy' in Brisbane yesterday........and a group of us met for the first time at the Beer Garden at South Bank.........the cultural hub of Brisbane.

The person organizing this meet up unfortunately had to pull out at the last moment which was fine.......accept that she had planned to bring a large kangaroo as a way of directing us to our steemian meeting point. As none of us had met before, and no-one else had a kangaroo sitting on the seat next to them, it took a bit of clever sleuthing to sort out who was who. Ok, I'll admit, every second customer at the Beer Garden was asked the question, "Are you a Steemian?" before we sorted out the 'riff' from the 'raff' but eventually we introduced ourselves and got down to the serious business of talking all things, Steemian.


It was great to hear other peoples perspectives and ask questions which were answered with a great deal of patience and willingness by a couple of more experienced steemians........(Thank you Steve and Max) and all in all, it was a very enjoyable meetup.

N.B. #teamaustralia I think we had a pretty large turn out compared to other Aussie cities. Don't you agree? Brisbane Steemians are a force to be reckoned with!!!!!!!

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