Team Australia Mentor Project : March Update

I’m back from holidays now and keen to give this another push. For the last 2 weeks I have been kicking back on holidays so I’ve been a bit slow with my comment calling for Mentors on the Team Australia recruitment post. But after talking with @choogirl about it we’re going to try and co-ordinate a bit better so that I can be quicker on the uptake. We need to boost the visibility and promote the Mentor Project a bit more so if you can help on that front then that would be greatly appreciated.


The next Team Australia recruitment post is due out on the next couple of days, so keep an eye out for it and don’t be shy about putting your hand up to help out a fellow Aussie. I originally was asking for Steemians with a Reputation of 60+ but after talking it through with @choogirl it does seem a bit restrictive and so anyone with even just a couple of months experience on Steem should feel free to get involved. We have a lot of newbies still coming in and they could all benefit from your experience so don’t sell yourself short if you want to give something back to the Team Australia community.


The other thing we discussed was the possible re-branding of the project. In hindsight “Mentoring” does sound a bit formal and perhaps even daunting for those who have had exposure to the structured Mentoring programmes of your local Human Resources Department. This project is intended to be a very informal one that is really just about helping out the newer members of the team to get engaged and find their feet on the platform. We don’t ask a lot from participants, just that you :-

1. Add them to your Following list
2. Commit to Vote for their posts
3. Comment on their posts to foster some engagement
4. Be there to provide some advice (if it’s wanted)


Stay tuned for a possible rebranding and if you have any better suggestions for what to call this initiative then I’d love to hear them. I am always open for new ideas on how to improve things and I appreciate all feedback, both good and bad.

Thanks again for your support and involvement!

EDIT UPDATE : The new Team Australia recruitment post is up HERE. Thanks @choogirl


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