21 Day Diet Challenge - Day 15

Hi everybody, I'm back with another no animal product, dairy, refined sugar, or grains diet update. I'm a bit later that regular, because we were out at a meeting this evening.

Anyway, on to business.

Today was a standard day for me, breakfast smoothie, with hemp protein, spinach and berries.

Then a salad for lunch, but the star of the show was my vegan enchiladas!

The 2 with toothpicks I loaded up with jalapenos, and my wife won't eat them, so I made a couple extra special just for me!


These are vegan alternative flour tortillas, filled with a veggie mix. It was cabbage, carrots, onion, tossed with spices and lime juice. Then it's all topped with salsa and baked.

What a great tasting dinner! Would have been even better with catfish!

So the diet is still going great, and fortunately will be over by the time I need to go to the Arctic for work next week! Trying to keep this diet in the far north will likely just result in my demise!!!

Alright, thanks for all your support and kind words!


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