21 Day Diet Challenge - Completed

Alright folks, my diet challenge is done... It was a big change for me. I learned how to eat vegan, lost almost 18 Lbs, and haven't had a beer for 3 weeks! Until now, I'm rewarding myself with a Granville Island English Bay Pale Ale tonight, by myself in a hotel in LaRonge SK. I started this challenge in a hotel in Northern SK and I guess it's only fitting that I'm ending it in a hotel in Northern SK!

Hey look! That's my pocket silver antelope hanging out with me again!

Anyways a quick recap. I started out this challenge, in a hotel, eating at restaurants and not having any luck finding enough food. Once I was home from the road, I had a much easier time, especially since my job can be physical, running wires in buildings and operating big 1/2 HP hammer drills for hours at a time. The lack of calories was really taking its toll on me early on!

At home though, I was cooking up a storm, all kinds of creative vegan things, lots of hearty root veggies and squash! A much better food intake. Then I discovered hemp protein powder, that was awesome for making smoothies in the morning.

All in all, I'm glad we did the challenge, it's great for testing your will power and also getting into better health, but I wouldn't recommend people doing quite as extreme change as I did!

Looking forward, I am planning to really limit my bread and gluten intake, but I don't think I could go meatless forever, unless we have a zombie apocalypse or something.

I want to thank everyone for their kind words and encouragement on my little journey and for all the helpful tips!

Here's a final pick of my vastly reduced torso! I haven't been this thin in probably 20 years!


Cheers everyone!

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