Hey You!!!

I'm a fucking 4yr old and i have bitcoin...do you?
If not, why not? Are you stoopid or something?

Do i have to yell at you in full colour? Alright then... BUY SOME FUCKING BITCOIN!!!


My dad is @thedamus and he's making sure i don't have to compete with burger flipping machines when i'm older. He's given me a paper wallet with some btc on it -- what a dad! He's taken care of my lil brother too. Check out the smiles from baby Leon... here he is with pops:


Check out his blog -- he's been shouting about it since he joined steemit... he even wrote a couple of stories about it in the last few days...

Apparently it was $5,800 million-jillion a couple days ago. And today?


Six thousand one hundred and 30 million dollars!!! It's going wild

And not only that, if you held btc on August 1st and had access to private keys, you can add bch to your stack too. Not a bad lil dividend for the smarty pants' out there:


Oh yeah, and check this out: litecoin is up like 23% overnight!!!


Don't'cha wish you had a Jaxx wallet? You can "shapeshift" btc to ltc right on your phone -- inside the wallet!!!

Do you wanna compete with burger flipping machines? Yeah, i didn't think so...

So, Buy some bitcoin before my dad has a spazzz! I overheard him talking to someone about tattoos or something, it didn't quite make sense but he was yelling into his iPhone at somebody, and he said:

What do i have to do? Tattoo it to my dick and fuck it into you!!!?

I'm not quite sure what he meant... but i think it was: buy bitcoin fartface!

Anyway, i've got some new toys to play with and some goofing around to do, so i'm out... i also wanna' get some banners on my Spiderman lunch box before i start Kindergarten

I'm thinking about this one 'cause it looks super cool:

And i like this one too, 'cause it's all shiny and shit, and it makes dad talk like a Pirate:


Oh yeah, and because i like Canada so much i think i'm putting this one on my backpack


Just do it Fartface!

Cheers! from Charlie -- son of @thedamus

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