Women Leading a Male Dominated Industry and Government - Futuristic - Women's History Month

Women's History Month

In honor of Women's History Month #teamgirlpowa has a wonderful contest going on that will end this Saturday, April 1st at 12:01 AM EDT. As one of the judges, we discussed sharing an example of what we are looking for in each category. This is my example/unofficial entry for the futuristic fictional work. Good luck to all participants!

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Serena had always known a land filled with lovely green earth, flowers, and fresh water. Her grandmother had told her of a time when women were slaves to men and when men dominated the world. She could never imagine living in a world where she did not have the freedom to be who she wanted to be.

She would listen to her grandmother's stories with pure delight. Her favorite was when she would hear of her grandmother helping to destroy the male dominant society, and create a new earth. The earth she knew had always been filled with women who ruled every aspect of business, politics, and finance.

Women were the rulers over modern industry and government. Once Fiat fell, digital currency took over and created wealth for all. It was women that made that happen.

There were ancient stories that her family spoke of where there were women called the Amazons and were warriors, but did not rule the world as the women of today. She always loved hearing the tale of women warriors that were a mirror image of the world she lived in.

As women gathered every night to talk about their day around the glittery pools of no more death, they would talk about the world that died only two generations ago.

It was during the year 2020, when the aliens came. Most people said aliens, but in reality they were a humanoid Universal governance controlled by the "Blues." They were blue like Beings that had light blue skin with electric blue eyes and spoke without words and only their mind. They could use their vocal cords but thought that was a sign of ignorance and lower life form.

The Blues could physically change dimensions within an instant and become transparent. These traits eventually evolved humankind. As Serena looked at her hands and told her body to go translucent it happened simultaneously from the moment of her thinking it to be so.

When the Blues entered earth’s atmosphere, man and earth didn't stand a chance. The Blues were a peaceful race and were a respected member of the Universal governance. The Universe was left in place without violence or destruction under their guidance, and the Blues were a much better option than siding with the opposite faction. That faction was the Reptilian colony that lived deep within the core of the moon and earth, they ate humans and kept the women as concubines. It was said the Reptilians lived underground for many centuries only to come up to feed on human children.

After hearing the stories of war and battle, Selena dreamed of the day she would get a chance to use the skills she had been trained with since a child. There had been peace for a long time but humankind had learned that there was always an enemy waiting to be conquered. She had been trained in all manners of weaponry and military leadership as well as how to lead the women of earth.

Humans had been taken by surprise once, but they swore never again. It was the Blues that first approached on the day that the old states of China, Russia, United Kingdom, and United States decided to go to war against one another. The Universe was tired of earth not getting along and decided to step in and allow the women a chance to rule. They chose a species that they had helped create through years of abductions.

Alien DNA had been slowly mixed in with women who could handle the mixture and produced a stronger race of people. The men were only tested to see how well the mix would further the goodness of mankind, but the Blues never found the perfect construction. Men were left to be caretakers of women and earth, their DNA was constructed to keep physical strength and to minimize their sexual inclinations.

According to the new race, man was inept at creating peace so it was up to the women to create a new world and the Universe assisted in that creation.

Of course, men did not take this lightly and fought with everything they had, most men in all countries had artillery and bombs to fight off the Blues and then the women. Most women felt it was time to stand up for themselves and have a change in ruling. So the women of earth fought viciously alongside the Blues to destroy male domination. Men had their chance and ruled without mercy for centuries, and men lost.

During the fight for power men killed nearly all of earth in the process. Most men who survived hid in the caves or wherever they could find sanctuary. Many of the women had the Blue DNA so they were able to survive nuclear radiation and chemical warfare the men released into the atmosphere.

Many men women and children that survived the first and second waves died shortly thereafter due to a weakness in their genetic code.

After many years, men were allowed back into society but only at the approval of women rulers. Eventually, the Blue DNA started to taint the human skin with a fine sheen of sparkly blue and the eye shape changed into a cat-like appearance.

Many of the new generation of women in Serena's family were sparkly blue in appearance and looked more alien than the older generation that were paler and wore the proud marks of battle, whether it was lash marks or bullet wounds. The older ones would tell their stories to the younger women during their daily bathhouse discussions and family sanctuary.

All women would be comforted in their surroundings and some women would meet with others during this time in quiet sex chambers that were set up for pleasure. Rooms filled with exotic flowers and the scent of eroticism. There were toys to please any appetite.

Serena at was only 18 years old and had no disire for sexual exploration but always loved when the women sat in the steam rooms filled with the fresh scent of eucalyptus and had the slave men massage their feet.

In her world, men were servants and did their bidding. If women wanted a baby then they would use in-vitro insemination to produce a child. Men were not needed beyond cooking, cleaning, and taking care of their homes.

The story was told that men and women used to have intercourse but Serena could never imagine such a thing. She had only seen a male penis once in teachings by the Master and that was enough to disgust her and never want a child.

If a woman wanted to explore their sexuality with a man then they were allowed to take home a man, but it was not encouraged to keep them around for a long period of time. Any form of attachment was not considered healthy and barbaric. She never knew her father and that was the way of the world, many women had no idea how they were conceived.

It was during their mid-day rest hour that the women first heard the warning sound of the trumpets. The warrior women ran to the balcony and the others went for their weapons. Serena could only sit stunned with apprehension and uncertainty.

As the women yelled from the balcony to grab their weapons and R-U-N, a flood of men came into the chamber with armor and guns at the ready. The leader who was tall, blonde, and had the bluest eyes she had ever seen yelled, "put down your weapons and give up, your reign over men has come to an end!"

The women in her family stood up to their 7 foot tall frame and yelled in unison and at the top of their lungs, "we will never give earth over to men again, prepare to fight!"

Both sides charged at each other and before she knew it the maiden women, including herself were gathered together by the women guard and swept towards the secret doorway that led to the castle exit. Serena resisted and ran to her room to grab her sword.

She saw as the women came from all corners of the castle carrying swords, bow and arrows, and guns. Her mother was at the lead screaming, "kill them!."

As she was grabbed from behind and pulled toward the exit, the leader came towards her with so much anger in his eyes that she trembled with fear. She returned his anger with a sword stab to his arm. The blood gushed and he grabbed his arm with a yell to stand down or he would not be guilty of what came next.

This man that was taller than herself grabbed her faster than she thought possible and said, "we will keep the princess, do not harm her," and shoved her towards the largest man she had ever seen in here life. The last thing she heard was the familiar voice of her mother scream, " no leave my daughter alone!"

Everything went black.

When Serena came to, she heard a bird cry from above and her eyes opened to an eagle flying overhead with its majestic wings creating a shadow for one brief second. She slowly started to sit up and realize here arms and ankles were tied with rope.

She heard the cries of women off in the distance and then she noticed the leader looking at her from a few feet away.

He spoke with an accent she had not heard before and said, "it is time for all of us to live together once again, in peace. The segregation of the sexes has gone on long enough. My name is Jareth and you are my choice and have been selected by the Universe to be my partner."

All she could do was laugh and say in return, "unhand me you medieval man! Don't you know who I am?"

Jareth patiently stated, "I know very well who you are and it has been decided, the sooner you accept what is happening the easier it will be for you."

Serena replied, "You will never be my partner so just let me go. What makes you think that a woman would ever go back to being dominated by a man?"

Jareth responded, "It will never be my intention to dominate or harm you but we must live together in peace. Women have dominated the earth now for a century and all forms of domination are at its end. It is time to make peace."

Just as she was about to scream at the top of her lungs for him to let her go when a bunch of men came to where they were carrying women and laying them on the ground next to her. She recognized them as the maiden women that had been led to the exit right before the fight was at its peak.

As the women slowly started to wake up they turned to her and telepathically communicated their allegiance and that they would follow her to their death.

She acknowledged their plea and nodded in agreement, and told them to remain calm.

Jareth interrupted their conversation with a telepathic communication that he understood what they were saying and he supported their loyalty but he would not support an uprising. It was time that they all came to grips with the fact that everyone chosen would start a new earth.

The women started to cry in fear and anger saying in unison, "we do not want to be taken by men and we want to go home!"


Word Count: 1518

Image Source for the Princess.

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