Titans of TeamGood! (Extra Ramen Edition)

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Rounding up a few TeamGood Tag Users who consistently produce quality content, do good for Steemit, run charities and initiatives and are what comes under the Umbrella of the TeamGood Philosophy. Using the #teamgood tag is proving beneficial for many Steemians and their projects and all of us welcome those to join our fellowship of rising up together as a force for positivity!

What is this #teamgood Philosophy?

I started this Initiative to Help the Helpers and encourage an alternative to a traditional trending page or for those who want to just network and be in a more cooperative and less "sharky" environment. There will be a server and further projects with this movement but for now it is aimed at creating a haven of goodness for those who CHOOSE to use it as such.

  • @underground/ @mbc
    Not just food photography but the story behind it with how to be self sufficient, maintain a "can-do" attitude in the face of some of life's slings and arrows. Underground a.k.a. "Undy" is active in many communities, founder of his own Initiative "Minnow Boot Camp" and full of mirth and a bit of a mischief maker like someone else I may know (stares into mirror).... :P



  • @crisangel / @thealliance @ropavejero
    Cris is doing some AMAZING work as are others in literally building and rebuilding centers of education for children in Venezeula. This is a MUST READ and the photos and links are amazing. To date 5 schools have benefited and it just goes to show what the power of groups of individuals globally can achieve...

  • @rhonkak @tarc
    Many of us have been feeling the cypto blues and that extends to many initiatives and rescue groups. Rhondak is legendary status on Steemit for her work across the platform but her animal rescue TARC is personally very near and dear to my heart ... http://tazewellarc.org/


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(giphy, art by Samest, catgif.com, Valkyrie Version banner by @ancapbarbie)

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