Million Dollar Challenge — A TeamGood Post

This is a fun one. The idea of this challenge is to say what you’d do in the first 24 hours if given a million dollars. I don’t know who originated this one, so please speak up if you know where it came from.

I read @fishyculture’s million dollar challenge post yesterday, and was planning on nominating myself, but then @enginewitty was kind enough to nominate me. (Thanks, my friend!)

(Off subject, did you know there's a live action version of Aladdin slated for 2019?)

What would I do in the first 24 hrs with a fresh million?

1) Set aside 10% to make the world a better place. Yes, I’d give $100,000 of my million away. I am aware and very grateful that I already have it good, and that there are a lot of people who live in poverty, including refugees. There are also way too many animals in need. @youarehope and @tarc would see a chunk of this 10% (and will receive the payout from this #teamgood post, so go heavy on the upvotes, please!)

2) Hire someone to finish my house. We’ve been building an addition on our house for FIVE FREAKING YEARS! I’m over it. Get it done, already.

3) Invest $50,000 into cryptocurrency, and $50,000 (maybe more) into silver and gold. Speaking of, would someone be so kind as to show me the door into #steemsilvergold?

4) Pay off our debt. ‘Nuff said.

5) Buy tickets to a few music festivals. My man and I used to go to festivals every summer. Then we had kids. I’d like to have fun with him again on the dance floor, so I’d also fly @saffisara out to come with us. She can help with the kids, then take her turn to get her groove on to the music.

6) Go shopping. I have too many clothes with holes in them. I’d rather spend money on organic food than replace my clothes, but it would be nice to refresh my wardrobe.

7) Go house hunting. Yes, I already have a house, but we’re planning to sell in the next year or two and move to a more progressive community in BC.

8) Send a portion to my parents. I have incredibly generous parents, and I’d love to send them a cheque to thank them for all the ways they've helped me in my life.

9) Order a custom Toyota Sienna. I will never understand why they don’t make badass mini-vans in North America. Whatever, I’ll make my own. The Sienna is the only van offered in AWD, so I’ll buy one of them and have a pop-top roof with a bed welded on top. Yes, I’m basically trying to make a dependable VW Westfalia. Then I’m gonna take that thing all over and meet as many awesome Steemians as I can. First stop, hot springs with @fishyculture. Then south to meet up with @eaglespirit and @carrieallen (if they want to come play) and say hello to my home mountains of Colorado.

I think that about takes care of the million dollars. Whatever is left over can go in the bank... or something.


I’d love to see the following people weigh in on what they’d do with this kind of money:


If you read this and haven’t been nominated, but want to do this challenge, please consider yourself tagged! Let me know when you post it so I can read, ‘cause I think this one is super fun and interesting.

Take care of yourself, you are a gift!

Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel

Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, tree-hugging yogini, and mama bear to twins. Author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance), she's another free-spirit swimming in the ocean of Steemit.

dragon art: Liiga Smilshkalne

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