Emergency cash withdrawal in Asean 东南亚紧急现金提款

For this week, @auleo less blogging because I'm having my holiday in Bangkok.

While travelling, I do observing differences and similarities between countries, and here I would like to suggest a good emergency for fellow Steemian friends especially #teammalaysia friends who frequent visit our neighbour country.

You may or may not know that, the second largest bank in Malaysia CIMB, is making good presence in Asean region.

So whenever I travelled in this region especially Thailand and Indonesia, I would definitely activate my CIMB SG ATM for overseas withdrawal. This serves as emergency fund withdrawal should there a need. (anyway make sure this acct not much cash, just enough for your urgent need will do).

This time, I saw one CIMB ATM near to my hotel at Khaosan area, so I decided to try cash withdrawal to see the exchange rate.

As soon as I pressed the amount at ATM,i received a SMS from CIMB SG, stating the amount deducted. Exchange rate I do a calculation is 1SGD to 23.6baht. Compared money changer I did before the trip 23.8, not bad, considered emergency need, the lower rate I think still acceptable.

Hope this helps when you travel in this region. CIMB do make us Malaysian proud seeing this Malaysian brand in foreign lands. Happy travel #teammalaysia

各位爱好旅行的同好们,@auleo 本星期出游曼谷,所以未能更新部落格,但是我旅行的同时,常会观察本国与他国的不同或共同点。

在本篇,@auleo 想跟大家分享一个在本区域东南亚旅游的诀窍-紧急现金提现。

不知大家知不知道,我国第二大银行CIMB 联昌银行在本区域有着很强的网络,尤其是泰国与印尼。所以@auleo 前往这些国家时,都会启动海外提款权,以作紧急之用。

今天@auleo 看到考山路酒店附近有个CIMB 提款机,就试一试提款。



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