I wanna be a full-time musician... should I?

If you have to ask this... probably no.

But if that sentence makes you upset and disagree with me, then why not, go for it.

The questions are however:

  • Why do you wanna do this?

What are your REAL reasons of doing this?
Do you wanna be a rock star?
Do you wanna be famous?
Do you want to make music day in, day out?
Do you think of music 24/7?
Do you write songs everyday and you think your songs are better than whatever you hear on the radio?

  • Do you know what it takes to actually work as a full time musician rather than uploading music every once in awhile, doing a YouTube cover song that your friends love or the occasional open mic performance?

  • Do you have the skills to be an employable musician (i.e. get paid regularly for your skills/work/services)?

These are some of the questions that I ask my students who take private lessons with me & workshop participants I've worked with. These are good questions to ask to really examine whether this is something you'd seriously like to explore.

But in essence, the real answer is rather than imagining the outcome, you should try it.

If it doesn't work out for you, you can also do something else.

However, the working musicians I've met often do music because that's the only thing they see themselves doing. They never had a plan B so they kept doing music and figure out how to make it work.

Should you? Well, there's one way to find out. :)

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