What <Forrest Gump> taught you in life

I bet most of the steemians here sure have watch this movie by Tom Hanks which is Forrest Gump. This movie is published in 1994 and it is based on 1986 novel Forrest Gump by Winston Groom. This movie talking about the life of Slow-witted Forrest Gump. With his positive thinking and supportive mother, his life inspired a lot of people around him.

Before I have chance to watch this movie, I thought it is a boring movie that I can skipped to watch. But when I first watch it, My perspective is changed and I start falling in love with this movie. I also rarely to repeat watch a movie, but this movie also in my repeat list for sure.

Why I love this movie? Because everytime when you watch again, you surely will get different message from it. So today, let me bring you some useful or some motivation from this movie on my perspective and hoping you can benefit from it.

Run! Forrest Run!

This scene is Forrest been bullied and he try to runaway from it. This quote Run! Forrest Run yelled by Jenny in the movie also is the trademark as if yoy mention Forrest Gump, people will say Run! Forrest Run, or some people will called the movie Run! Forrest Run but not Forrest Gump. We ourself will not know how far our ability can be when we not go full force. Just like in this scene, everyone will think Forrest cannot run away from this bully because of his legs. But in the end, he run faster like the wind blows. It is indeed true, we never know what we can do until we really put hard work in everything. Because of this scene, it always remind me, before you say you cannot, do it first, do it with your heart, then you will know how far you can go.

Life is like a box of chocolate

As you can see this is scene when Forrest Gump mother telling him that she gonna leaving soon to another place and Forrest Gump ask about his destiny and his mum replied "you have to figured out yourself, life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you gonna get." From this quote, we can practice it into our life. We dont know what will happen tomorrow, we will not know what we gonna get tomorrow, so we must live our life to the fullest. Yes, in our life will have some times that not good on us, but that is just part of it. Just like Forrest mum said, we ourself need to figure out our own pathway, how you gonna walk through? Its all on you to figure out because no one can help you to choose your own destiny.

You've got to put the past behind you before you can move on



Yes, i truly agreed with this words that come out from Forrest mother. We sure having bad memories in our past life. But if we keep thinking about it and trapped in past, we surely cannot move on by the negativity. If you choose to forget the past and slowly trying to move on, i sure everyone can did that, it only matter of time. Me myself, I failed in few relationships and took a long time to move on, it is because I always trapped in the past. But to move on, yes, i really need to face the reality, forget it and move on. Just like Forrest, he just running and running, put the past behind and keep running for his journey.

You have to do the best with what God gave you



Just like Forrest mother telling Forrest before she is dying, she hope Forrest can be the best with what God gave him. Yes it is, we ourself we are having our purpose to be in this world, if you think you destine to do what you are doing now, just be the best of it. You will never know what God arrangement for you but for sure God giving you something for you to fulfill and God will reserve the best for you just dont know when. So just be the best.

Miracle happen everyday, some people dont think so, but they do



Yes, not everyone believe in miracle, but yes it is indeed will happen, it just dont know when. But for me, before the miracle happen to us, we ourself need to do what we gonna do, after that miracle will come to us and that time you will realize, yes miracle is around the corner.

Shit happen, sometimes

In a running scene, one guy came to Forrest to ask any idea for the sticker design and suddenly almost step into dog shit, and suddenly forrest replied it will happen, sometimes. The guy get inspiration from it and comes with sticker Shit Happens. Ya, sometimes maybe we are facing shitty problem, but we dont know after that maybe something good will happen to us from the shitty problem. Life is that ironic we need to facing through the bad to get the best. So when you are in the bad situation, think the good side and get rid of it.

I do suggest you all, if you havent watch this movie, go get a copy and watch it, not only 1 times but few times as you can. Or when you facing problem, watch this video and you for sure will get inspiration from it.

Thank you everybody that stay till last to view my post and hope you all can benefit from it. Cheers.

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