Buy Burgers with STEEM | From Penang to Kuala Lumpur for Burgers


After a tiring day of travelling to Penang and having 100 Degrees Introduction to Steemit talk plus a mini gathering, we rushed back to Kuala Lumpur for another meetup with @firepower and crew plus his awesome friends.

Took us almost 4 hours and 300km to get back ... we as in myself , @aaronleang and @davidke20

Why Big Hug Burgers ?

There is 2 main reasons we chose this place to bring @firepower and friends.

Reason 1

Thier burgers are just EPIC !!!!!!! Nothing like what you can find anywhere else. It seems that its cooked just right all the time and the variety of burgers is wide enough to suite almost any taste buds. Sorry no pictures of Burgers as I was super hungry by the time we reached there.
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Reason 2

Since January 2018, its the only outlet which I know in Malaysia which you can pay for your burgers in Steem ! Imagine that, where else you can do that ? The place has a really nice ambience and you can write about your food then pay it with steem ! How cool is that ... below are transactions made today from our meal.

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Soon after lunch, @danielwong did a quick promo of his BIG HUG BURGER to tell the world that you can now buy BIG HUG BURGERS with STEEM ! So cool !

Perhaps Steemit could next change the taglines to CREATE | VOTE | EARN | EAT

It was indeed a tiring day from journeys and meeting friends. Hope your day was just as productive for you !


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