Growing TeamMalaysia | My experience with Steem Sceptics

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Hey Steemians

As you've known by now, I've done many presentation about Steemit and trying to get more steemians to join. I do realize that there is a strange pattern on those who do join and those who does not. I'd just want to share with you and I do know a lot of you are talking to your friends and family members, lets see if the experiences are the same.

1) Those who asks how to cash out before starting don't seems to signup

To some, they are trying understand the whole process from A-Z before even signing up for an account on Steemit. I find it really strange as the account is free and it would be close to 2 weeks before they even see a single cent in their wallet.

How to handle : Tell them, there are a lot of tutorials which has already been written and if you explain the entire process now, you would need to repeat yourself once more later. Just start first and when they get a payout then you will show them how the withdrawal process is done

2) What's the catch ?

I remembered talking to a "Financial Advisor" who is also a "Trainer / Business Coach" and claims that he has invested in cryptocurrency . When hearing about Steem , he kept on asking "What's the catch ??" and got agitated when I told him there was none.

My thoughts : Some people who has seen or been involved in so many scams finds it hard to believe that Steemit gives rewards without the need to buy something or subscribe to something first. What's the catch ? There is NONE that I can think of which should prevent someone to join Steemit unless you do not have internet

How to handle : Forward to him the whitepaper and then tell him if he finds what the catch is do let you know. Please tell me too as I've got no freaking clue. Another approach would be to introduce steemit to their friends... it will get to him eventually

3) People who don't gives a f**k about money

This is by far my favourite crowd to address. We do know that a more "mature" crowd doesn't get excited about chump change which 1 post can bring to you. So why should they join Steemit ? haizzz .. wasting time .... but wait ... you gotta angle it differently

How to handle : Show them the humanitarian side of things as individuals who are already well off with $$$ didn't get there by splashing around their $$$. Its most likely they were one of the stingiest a$$ around. So show them what could be achieved with Steemit as part of their communal work without coming out a cent. With their influence in the real world, they could be a great influence without coming out a single cent yet helping thousands of people

4) Those who want to cure world hunger without lifting a finger

I've come across individuals who comes up to me and tell me the million and one charities they are involved in and would like to use steemit to support their charity. Four weeks later, they come to my talk again and still tells me another bunch of charity which they are involved in and would like steemit to help and they need time to sign up for a steemit account.

How to handle : Without a doubt, there are individuals out there who really have a kind heart and would like to help out all these charities. However there are also individuals out there who has their very own agenda of being "popular" and monetizing thru these charities. I label these individuals as "Opportunists".

Just "SMILE" and let them continue telling you on how charitable and hardworking they are. Lets not plague steemit with these individuals however help and guide the genuine ones. You can tell the difference as Opportunist always use a lot of "I" and the real givers use a lot of "We"

5) Bitcoin Scam/Ponzi/MLM Enthusiasts

I'm almost certain that you've been approached at least once by "agents" of a Bitcoin Scam/Ponzi/MLM . And they will tell you their rags to riches story then how they found the solution to "financial freedom". These are individuals who are pretty much blinded by how much their uplines are making and having already invested they need to make their network grow as well. There is nothing wrong here because we also have invested our time and effort in Steemit would like to see it grow

How to handle : Tell them your story as well many other individuals story on steemit, there is nothing better then sharing your own personal experience and not experience of others. The biggest difference is that you didn't come out capital to start however you just invested your time and gave up on other social medias (true right ??)

These are just a few of the many sceptics which I have come across just over these past few months. However with more and more amazing stories on how Steemit has changed a person's life. It gets easier and easier to talk about Steemit.

You don't have to convince someone to join and signup on steemit. There is no affiliate fee. Just share with them your experience and if they are interested and think its beneficial to them, they will join irregardless.

Have a great day ahead !


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