Running On STEEM Podcast Episode#009 - What I Really Think about SteemIt

Hey, everyone.

No script or notes today.

Just me giving my real honest thoughts about SteemIt and the current cryptocurrency situation after being part of this whole world for more than a month.

I think to do well on SteemIt, you need to look at the whole thing long term. And most importantly, you have to be grateful that you found this platform at this point in time while it's still in it's infancy stage! There's so much to gain and so much upside to it if everything goes well. We could be living our life by blogging about what we like and creating awesome content that we can be proud of. But we have to approach it from that point of view and way of thinking.

Thank you for listening!

Please do let me know if you prefer this free form and free style of podcasting :)

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