Tell Your Story Contest : Round Two

Tell You Story Contest.png

Its finally time to announce Tell Your Story Contest : Round Two . I am so excited to be doing this contest because this mean i will again get the chance beautiful stories from all participant .

In another surprised , i am also delighted to tell you that Round Two Winner will also received Original Steemit / Steem Tee from The Steemit Shop, read all about it here

I look forward for everyone support and i hope to see new participant too. Good luck to everyone.

What Tell Your Story Is All About

The Round 1 of tell your story contest sees bloggers from all different country. Everyone had a story to share and i am sure your story has value and is interesting to others out there. Through this contest you could also create new friends and engage with other steemian from other country as the participant comes from everyone. Its all started because all of us enjoy reading other people story and everyone got one. So why not put a contest on it.

The uniqueness of this contest is that your post entry doesn't have to be written in perfect English, all i care is that story and the message goes across. All the best to you and thank you for sharing your story. Good luck folks.

best stories is subjective, It's not about how great is your writing skills or grammar or spelling.. It's just about sharing stories and having fun. To me, I choose stories that touches my soul or those that got me thinking.

Here is the rules:

  1. It has to be your original / personal true story . A new post, not of those that is copy and paste from your previous post or plagiarized.

  2. Personal experience, inspiring, funny or sad. Mix of all emotions.. It doesn't really matter, so long it's your original true story.

  3. It doesn't have to be perfect written English post and this is not a spelling or grammer competition, so long it can be understood but do put an effort to give your best so to share a quality post.

  4. Long post, short post? Up to you.. It's your story.

  5. You need to tag #teammalaysia #promo-steem and #tellyourstory

  6. You need to follow me, upvote and resteem this post.

  7. Drop your post link on the comment section

  8. Written in English, other language not accepted.

  9. Contest Open to all Steemian.


Dateline to Submit : Midnight 18th March 2018

Voting Begin : 19th February Till Midnight 23Th February 2018

Choosing Winner

I will choose 5 post that I like the best. Then those 5 post will go through a voting process, Top 3 voted post will be given to a guest judge for winner to be selected.

Winner to be announce as soon as I get the news from our guest judge

Guest Judge.

To be Announce

Total amount of SBD collected on this announcement post will be equally divide to Top 5 post of my choosing.

Total amount of SBD collected on the Voting Post will be equally divide to top 3 most voted.

Winner of this contest will received 10 Steem from me and a Official Tee from The Steemit Shop

I wish all of you the best in this Contest, since you are posting your stories on steemit might as well join in the contest. Don't forget to have fun and make new friends. Good Luck

My heartiest congratulation to the Tell Your Story Round 1 Winner @iamjadeline, read her Winning Story titled : the road less taken, a-boy with cdh congenital diaphragmatic hernia

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