[EN/CN] neOOne learning with Steemitup.club BOOTCAMP 不寻常的 Steemitup.club 工作室

I took up this challenge to play with the world most dangerous writ5ing app. First of all, today is the Steemitup.club bootcamp with @maverickfoo and @bitrocker2020. I have always been wondering how does other people survive with such blogger life which require them so much of time in writing.

Today's topic begun with the usual introduction to Steemit in neOOne learning center. It was a refreshment course to me and I'm enjoying every bit of it. After tea session, we start to get serious. Learning tips and tricks on how to exercise our right in writing. Learn the faster and efficient way to write. One of the way to do is chunking method by Maverick. I've got my sheet of THE IDEA CHUNKENATOR which I enclosed a copy of what I have in mind to blog for the future 1 week(probably, I have so much other things I need to share with you guys).

Followed by Maverick teaches us more tools to be used. Here, I list a few for you:

  1. answerthepublic.com
  2. goconqr.com
  3. themostdangerouswritingapp.com
  4. noisli

These are some of the amazing stuff I learn today. It's marvelous as I'm using themostdangerouswritingapp to challenge myself to make this blog in 5 minutes - N O W. I'll have to do it. By hook or by cook! Or else whatever I've been typing will be disappeared. I guess I'm about times wrapping this up since I've seen the timer ticking close to 5 minutes. Let's carry on some other time. I'll have another 15 minutes to do some editing and posting picture to this blog.

YAY!!! I pass my 5 minutes now.

And it's good to meet you guys in #neOOne. Feel free to get connected in #teammalaysia.

今天我决定挑战这个五分钟写作,运用 theworldmostdangerouswritingapp。今天我们非常感谢 @maverickfoo 和干爹 @bitrocker2020 为我们解答了很多问题。特别是,到底其他博客到底为何有那么多时间收集资料,跟别说开博写文章。



  1. answerthepublic.com
  2. goconqr.com
  3. themostdangerouswritingapp.com
  4. noisli

以上都是一些非常有用的网站。我现在就是用 themsotdangerouswritingapp 在打字用5分钟开博。这个实在没办法的情形下就是鼓出去了。不然打字太慢就会全部消失,又要从新开始。既然现在开始了就不能停,一定要一气呵成。说着说着,我看到上面的计时器已经差不多到了4分钟多,差不多时候结束我今天的分享。来日方长,我现在还要用15分钟做一些图片剪接和修改一些错字。

最后要向各位 #neOOne 的同学们说一声很高兴认识你们。马来西亚的中文组团队目前已经启用的 #cn-malaysia 欢迎你使用,不过记得双管齐下也一拼标记我们 #teammalaysia 来增加你贴子的曝光率。

Some photograph to share with you all 与你分享

特此致谢 @orangila @karinzdailygrind 到场协助

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