Had enough of SBD hodling time 我等不及SBD升值了

SBD print rate has been low. Exchange rate between Steem / SBD has been awkward. I've tried many ways to improve my payout, but the upvote value continue to go down. I even trade to make some small SBD along the way, but trading between Steem and SBD has been slow as well due to ranging above 1:1 all time. I couldn't accumulate enough SP in time. I have promised myself to earn 100SP a month, in the end, after one year I'm still 600. I'm literally 1/2 performing according to my own expectation. Hence, today I had removed all my pending orders, I'm gonna dump everything back into my post to power up!

最近的 SBD 印刷率显得超低,已经好几个月低过50%了。SBD 与 Steem 之间的交易也显得不平衡。眼看着贴子收益颁发越来越不像话,我也尽一份力想要增加收入,可是想尽办法还是不得要领。我试过很努力写作,可是回来的收益还是一天比一天少,也试过用交易系统噜毛,就是弄不出啥样子来。结果来来去去还是挂着一大堆单,钱钱被压着不得动弹。本来立下目标平均每个月最少弄100SP 给自己,结果现在一年过去了,才600SP与自己设下的目差了一半!今天可说是一气之下,把所有挂单删除。将全部SBD 拿出来投资进自己的文章中!

Today, SBD print rate had dropped to awful 8%. I couldn't stand to see this continue to go down no more! SBD that stuck in pending orders will serve absolutely no purpose other than speculating for a slim chance that MIGHT strike a jackpot. What else do I get after hodling SBD for so many months? Had I dump them into Steem earlier, I could have make use of those Steem to upvote others instead of sitting there do absolutely nothing! So I have make up my mind, good bye SBD!

参考上图, SBD 印刷率剩下 8% 了。我已经不忍心再看下去了。不是说我不能守,只是我觉得是时候换过一种形式来守。既然挂单等好价钱,那么一定有它的好处,就是等一个千载难逢的机会用最少的 SBD 来兑换很多Steem 。但是又有多少个千载难逢机会吖!更何况,挂着的单也不会有利息分派,那我还收那么多干嘛啦!如果我早些时候把所有SBD 换成 Steem 直接补强我的点赞力,最少可以公益社会还可以赚取一些审查赏金。结果,单就挂了好几个月一分也没有赚到。所以,我已经决定将所有的 SBD 丢弃。将它们全部投资近我的文章里!

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