I've been busy expanding and introducing Steemit to the local Chinese community, and now facing the consequences.
前文可参考这里 Previous entry of what happened!
After 1 week of hardwork, finally I started to get all sorts of funny questions from different groups that I've shared Steemit with. Some of the friends started to write and asked why nobody pay attention to their blog post, why no upvote. Was saying they're disappointed, wanna live, wanna die, wanna kill themselves etc. Hence I take this opportunity to write this post for minnow to follow certain rules in order to get a beautiful kick start
First of all, arrange some personal information you wished to share online to prove yourself. This is your first post, a good chance to get yourself some follower. Some friends ask me whether to avoid posting their portraits with their face. My answer to them is, entirely up to them. BUT, with your face as a prove, you get better impression. Usually, I believe the tradition in Steemit is to hold a piece of white paper, written down the date we join Steemit, take a photo and post it as a milestone achiever to show prove that we're REAL person.
正确应用标记。在Steemit可以运用高达5个标记。所以,如果是第一封自我介绍的博客贴子可以用 #introduceyourself 和 #introducemyself 让贴子进入应有的范围。不少高手也长期掩在这两个标记里寻找新生来做自己的粉丝。大家可以先参考一下看其他标记那一些比较火辣的,如果自己的内容又跟那个标记有关系,那就不用客气的直接把贴子贴在那个火辣的标记去。比如说 #blog , #life , #steemit 都是一些比较高酬的标记。但是也要切记,这些火辣的标记因为人很多,贴子更多,所以你的贴子可能不到两秒钟就被新贴压了下去从此难见天日。
To find the correct tagging. In Steemit post, you can make use of up to 5 tags each time. Hecne, if you're going to post your introduction post, please do make use of #introduceyourself and #introducemyself, and your post will be able to show on these 2 hot tags. Many veteran likes to soak in these tags to find new follower, most if not all of them are really helpful(initially). It is advisable that you study the tags first on the left hand side of the Steemit webpage, go all the way down and click VIEW ALL. If your content are related to any of the hot tags, feel free to tag them, #blog , #life , #steemit all these are hot tags and with payout. But do remember, since these are hot tags, it would also mean that many people are using them. Your post would probably sunk into the deep blue sea within first few seconds and new post being keep on stacking in.
内容要厚实和原创。很多朋友想到可以随随便便在非死不可(Facebook)直接抄一些资料过来就可以挣钱,我奉劝你想都别想。这里有专业原创验证的程式机器人 @cheetah 会把您上传的资料验证。如果被逮到,机器人将会给你一个点赞,然后把找到相同(或接近相同/相似)的链接直接回复在您的贴子。搞不好被鲸鱼级的人马过来插一根红旗你的等级立刻掉入永不超生的幽谷里。
To be sure your content are original. Many thought of making money the shortcut way by copy pasta(yeah many would call it that way, so I just adopt it instead of using "paste") directly from usually Facebook. I highly recommend you NOT to do so, even if the original content belongs to your own Facebook profile. Here, we have a @cheetah bot will check on most if not every post on their originality. If got caught/suspicious of copy pasta, you'll still get an upvote from the bot, a comment from the bot to inform your reader there's similar content the bot found, with the link to where the similar material being found. Worst is, if the post trigger a whale, and get's a flag from the whale, your reputation would probably drop all the way to hell and can never come back to life.有效运用友善的点赞机器人(自动化程式)。既然你已经知道自己的贴子是完全原创的,不妨把机器人 @originalworks 叫出来。方法很简单,只要回复自己的贴子输入 @originalworks 即可。机器人会现出来验证你的内容是否属实完全原创。如果验证通过,机器人将会为你点赞和留言通知您的读者告诉大家您的作品是原创的。依据数得。但是如果你不老实,被逮到抄袭,那不好意思了。机器人将会留言通知你的读者它在那个互联网找到相同/相似的内容。这就是所谓的抓虫入屎忽(广东版的自讨没趣-抓虫进屁股)
Effectively call upon upvote bots(these bots are structural program in the computer). Since you knew your post are original and can't find it anywhere over the internet, you may call upon @originalworks for an assistance. It's easy to do so. Reply to your own post with @originalworks and the bot will drop by and verify your content. If your post passed the verification, you'll get an extra upvote from the bot, and the bot will also inform your fellow readers your work is proven to be original. that however, if you're copy pasta and if got caught by the bot, the bot will leave a comment to inform your fellow reader, bot has found similar content over the internet with a link of the information the bot scouted. This is exactly digging your own grave.
参加比赛/竞赛来增加收入。上传图片后,可以对好入座将相对的标记里,可以顺便争取多一个点赞 upvote,同时也可以参赛。在这里我不多说,如果有兴趣参与的朋友不妨浏览@photocontests 的网站,找出相应的标记和参赛规矩! 比如说我这一个贴子直接标记在 #smartphonephotography 就可以直接参赛和顺便争取免费upvote.
To participate in contest to increase income opportunity. After uploaded photograph in to a post, you're encourage to make use of the tag column to trigger some bot. Here I give you an example of a photography bot. If you're interested, feel free to read their rules on how to participate and their reward tier!. This post for example, I have use #smartphonephotography as my tag, which means I can participate and probably get a free upvote from the contest bot
最后,如果你是马国人,不妨直接标记 #teammalaysia 来增加朋友圈的支持。今天就跟大家分享这么多。希望我的分享能帮助你开始交上你的第一个博客贴子。
I guess this is all I gotta share with you fellow Steemians. If you're Malaysian, we in #teammalaysia welcome you to join us so we can give you our support. I hope my tiny little sharing helps you kick start your first post.