Top tips to Steemit. Did you missed out any one of them ?

Top tips to Start Steemit


With the current economic situation around the world and regionally, getting a relief from Making Money Online seems to be a quick fix solution. Hence more and fancier programs emerged over the recent years. The founder of these program has made it so so simple that everyone can start to learn and earn within a day

The question is, is these so called make money online are meant for everyone? It may not because from historical data, only a small percentage of people who do it really made it to the top. Why is it so ?

Steemit, is the latest example I come across. It is a blogchain related program that evocate sharing of knowledge via article post in the Steemit community portal. The effort of those who share by way of posting article, upvote others post etc are reward at different level and different rate depends on their "credibility" Everyone who join Steemit start from zero base.

Well, there are plenty of reasons for it and if you know all of them and learn to avoid it, then you may have a good chance to make it. Since I have join Steemit and committed to take it a challenge to succeed, I like to sare with you the following 3 major sure win formula to succeed in Making Money Online ( include Steemit ):-

1 - Stay focus


One of funny thSounds like common sense, right ? But the funny thing happen to most newbie ( included me) who started to learn online business is the tendency to hunt around many other program purported easier to make money online. Out of curiosity, they either heard something new from friends, or subscribed to dozens of newsletter where they are bombarded with tons of email introducing what works. And ended up tried several of them.

If you are one of them like me, it is likely you spread yourself too thin and ended up doing too many things at one time but a lousy and incomplete task. When you are not able to do any task in its full completeness, the effect will not be there. Therefore, it is likely that you are not able to see the expected result of your effort. Worst still, it form a vicious cycle by which you look for something new, and try half way, not successful (in short time) and look for another business model or program to try again.

It is important and essential to keep abreast with what is out there in the Internet world but be selective and know your capability to cope.

2 Learn From the Pro


In most cases, you will attended certainly seminar or workshop that claimed to have a fool proof method for you to simulate. Some of the real excellent guru will share what he actually did during his start up days ( or months ) as a case study for you to follow. To some extent, they will list down all the dos and dont's for you to take home at the end of th seminar or workshop.

If you ask around, some of the most effective guru will literally hand-hold you along the course of training until you get it. Their objective are really to develop a successful candidate from their seminar or workshop. However, it is not easy to find these category of guru as many of them either rushing for time and merely too commercialized in their objective.

3 Plan your work and Work you plan


Sounds familiar to you ? Maybe, but this is one of the critical factors that most beginner or newbie lack of. Either they do not have a solid plan, or have it but not following it diligently. You cant blame them, most internet courses I attended does not emphasize this factor for which I personally felt it is very crucial.

There are several items you should include in your plan. Example are :-

  • Objective of the project - Be clear what you are trying to achieve at the highest level of hierarchy. By that I meant the ultimate goal of what you are try to achieve. Example. My objective of taking up Steemit is ability to gain financial freedom to support and sustain my volunteering training service to new entrepreneurs.

  • The A high level short and long term goal in persuading your Steemit journey

Then draft out a few key strategies or tactics you are going to adopt in order to achieve your goal in doing Steemit

Some of the ideas are adopted from an article written by Dr. LM Foong (that's me) at


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