Real Case Study On Decentralized VS. Centralized Solutions | Musicians On The Blockchain Series (Edition #4)

Real Case Study On Decentralized VS. Centralized Solutions For Musicians On The Blockchain (Edition #4)

Even non musicians can take part in Musicoin by registering as Listeners and supporting their favorite artists and music by "Tip"


The Musicoin project was launched in early February 2017 when the first block of MUSIC was mined.

The MUSICOIN (MUSIC) blockchain is a fork of the Ethereum blockchain. To show how much the team behind @musicoin have extreme passion and believe in this that Musicoin was launched without any support of an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) or pre-mine or pre-allocation of funds, without an initial pool of fund to draw from...

Even non musicians can take part by registering as Listeners and supporting and tipping their favorite artists and music.

Personal Journey On @Musicoin

When i first found out about Musicoin during my research on finding and testing new platforms and solutions for musicians on the Blockchain, I didn't really know much in depth about Musicoin or how it works, I just wanted to test and support the platform as it is the first of it's kind (keep reading you will find out why...)

At first i simply loved the ease of their interface and ease from uploading the music and the artwork to how your artwork becomes printed on a vinyl that comes out and starts spinning when you hit play on a song, along an Instant Free Tip of 1 $Musicoin that you get instantly in your wallet. (more about tips below).

Visual Capture showing you the cool interface when playing your music and the instant reward you get when you song plays.

Licensing, Publishing and Releasing Your Music

Other then the cool interactive interface what really triggered me and got me more hooked into Musicoin was the ease of licensing, publishing and releasing my first song on the Blockchain which i did within a few minutes only! As shown in the step by step animated guideline below:

1- On the 'Top Right Corner' Click on the Upload Icon
2- Read and Accept the Terms and Conditions
3- Click 'I agree to these terms of use'
4- Click 'Next'

5- Account Verification : make sure all your Social media networks are Linked before releasing a track
6- Click 'Next'
7- Click on Upload File
8- Select the Track you want to Upload from your computer
9- Wait for Upload to Finish
10- Click on 'I confirm that I am the exclusive rights holder for this piece of work and/or have obtained the rights necessary to release this work'
11- Click 'Next'

Global Music Market and trends (Source IFPI CY2012; includes Japan)

Usually licensing and publishing your music with the usual means of current music industry is a bit of a long annoying process that every musician has to go through (non digital in a the form of Vinyl and CD's and sometimes even digital on some platforms) but with the blockchain decentralized technologies and Musicoin the game has changed!

Now you can get full grip and control all stages of releasing your music from Production to Licensing and Publishing to earning back of your own music within minutes by eliminating the current middle man and it's ridiculous charges fee's, and usually eats most of your well deserved profits from your own music for something now you can do on your own.

Is Hosting Your Music on Musicoin and The Blockchain Safe?

Musicoin Content Rights Protection

Image source Musicoin official Instagram Page

The additional beauty and benefits of @Musicoin Your music is automatically copyrighted when uploaded to their blockchain Musicoin. That magic happens as by definition anything that is uploaded to a blockchain can not disappear, it lives forever on the internet with a specific address. Therefore your song that you uploaded to Musicoin Blockchain is the absolute proof that you're the original creator.

Real Profits Case Study On My Personal Experience With Musicoin VS. Other Centralized Platforms

Musicoin Blockchain Earnings and Profits

Live Screenshot from my Artist Musicoin Page

Within less then 2 months only of hosting and promoting my music through Musicoin i have earned 8.5k Musicoins which is the equivalent to $349.44 Us dollars with the current Musicoin Crypto value on Coinmarketcap at the moment and i accumulated 4.4k tips and explored lots of new great music and met great like minded musicians from across all genres of musical colors.

VS. Earnings from Centralized Solutions and Platforms

Since i released my first official music album digitally back in 2009, I used to use a great service provider for digital music releases called Reverbnation (all changed now with Musicoin and the Blockchain) as from one place you can automatically put your music on the most known centralized musical outlets like Amazon Music, Apple Music, Deezer, Google Play, iTunes, Spotify, Tidal and such and control your music on various digital outlets from one place through Reverbnation in addition they provide great reporting tools, data insights on sales and demographics that can be really helpful for musicians to monitor and see how the music is performing and amend changes using the smart data and reports provided.

All that great stuff is so cool once you are earning enough money from your music so you cover the annual fee's of $280 which is by looking at the charts of my personal sales from Reverbnation Sales revenue Vs. Digital Distribution Cost having my music out there is ridiculous .... So Startup musicians has a very hard time to get their music to a wider audience unless they have the resources to pre-invest their own money other then the costs occured for the work, recording, mixing and mastering your work to be ready for release....

Musicoin Profits Comparison Chart

Musicoin Profit Comparison Chart

It's so obvious that Musicoin awards and pays much more money to music creators than its closest competitors for now Spotify.

Musicoin PPP (Pay Per Play)

Other then the Instant Earnings on your music as soon as a listener hits play on your music Music creators also can get Tipped on the Musicoin platform by people who like your music which makes a huge difference then any other music distribution platform out there.

In addition You can receive from 1 to 1000 Musicoins at once which is the equivalent of 1 to 1000 streams at once / That equals anything from 0.042379 USD to 42.38 USD PER PLAY!!

Musicoin is free to use ! I Highly encourage you to Register today Upload your music and Share it on your social medias and Earn

Et voila that's all what it takes !

if you would like to know more about Musicians on the Blockchain, Musicoin and other similar topics you might be interested in my other blogs.

- The Musicians Quick Start Guide Compiled Series & More | #Each1Teach1 By DJ Lethal Skillz

Hope this guide helps you with your Musician Journey On the Blockchain, If you have any questions or need more information please do comment below and let me know. Thank your for taking the time to read and your support in advance! Kudos

DJ Lethal Skillz

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