Meetup Recap: Steemit 100 Degrees Introduction + Chit Chat Session till late night

Two days ago... Yup, time really flies. There was a 100 degree Steemit Introduction session on Tuesday. I wasn't plan on going coz as usual the weekdays I need to go pick up my girls from school right after work. So what happened on Tuesday then?

I was at Istana Budaya that afternoon attending the press conference of a concert event "Doa Buat Kekasih". It's the 30th anniversary tour 2018 of Datuk Ramli Sarip and Dato' Khadijah Ibrahim. And after that there's an ad-hoc meeting there for another upcoming event. Therefore I quickly asked my husband to help pick up the girls. Luckily he was able to make it that day.


Long story short, everything ended earlier as planned but the sky decided to cry us a river. Thunderstorm strike. Since my husband was picking up the girls, I thought why not I go crashed the 100 degrees. Lucky me, @aaronleang and @joannewong stay nearby and they were going there too. So quickly I got in touch with them and dropped by their place and went in one car.

First time meeting Tiger! Meow!

Thanks Aaron for being the driver. Me and Joanne chit chat all the way till Sunway Geo. That's where the 100 degrees was being held.

That's the place! TalentBank - venue is fully sponsored by owners Ben and Jyesmine. Thanks!

Aaron busy taking photo of the venue. Joanne finished taking hers. And I just love to "shoot" the "hunters". 😁😋

@maverickfoo the master himself. If you have never ever been to one of his event, you need to make yourself available and meet the master himself. Guarantee you will never ever be bored in his event. If you are bored, then you must have met a fake Mav. 😂😂😂


Everyone paying attention to Mav. And there's lots of "shooting" going on. See all the phone cameras.


And according to Mav, this time we have more seniors than newbies and non Steemians. So what seniors do there... The usual lah... Wefie, selfie and photos... Never ending. @zord189, check the collage! 😉 We also have @karinzdailygrind @khimgoh @williamsyee

Caught Big Bro in a shot. @bitrocker2020 checking his video for dlive. Am I right?

Serious discussion and hands-on... I presume. Is it, @zord189?

Event ended but everyone still hang around. @deborism @jikey

We had to change our venue because the owner wanna close the place. So off we go and search for suitable place nearby to continue chit chatting. Saw this cute coffee bot along the way.
Dedicating the coffee bot to known coffee lovers @ackhoo @alvinauh @littlenewthings and all of you who love coffee.

Finally we settled down at Old Town White Coffee. No other choice.

When Williams meet William. These two became friends and started challenging each other with this Google Dinosaur jumping game. No idea that this exist.

And as usual, phone eats before we eat.

Steepshot... Steepshot... Post more ya, Simon says. LOL...

What a wonderful night! Love everyone of you! A great time meeting you all. Till th next time. Signing out now. Sorry, a bit lazy today to post in bilingual. Just finished another press conference and writing this in my car while waiting for my girls. Running short of time. So just English today. Need to go now. Girls finished school already. With love. ❤️💓💕💖💗 (1).gif

Image credits to @littlenewthings, @sireh and @skyleap

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