Team Malaysia Chinese New Year Gathering Pool Party (25 February 2018)

Missing the last Team Malaysia's Gathering at Big Hug, I told myself I must not miss the next one. And so Team Malaysia Chinese New Gathering is the one I must go.

I was beyond grateful that my mother-in-law could spare her time to pop in my place to take care of Jansen so that I could attend the gathering with my eldest son, Jayden and @happycrazycon a.k.a. Connie, my sister-in-law.

Upon reaching Setia Sky Residences, we followed exactly as directed by @aaronleang and he really led us to the car park nearest to Block Divina. There we bumped into @calebleejl and his adorable friendly son @asherlee. At the lift we saw @maverickfoo and @deborism and smart William. Then came @digitalmind aka Dr.Foong. We all shook hand for an official meet-up. It was an awesome feeling to be able to meet the person behind the blog.

@aaronleang brought us up to Level 33A and once again I was thrilled with the ambience there. Not only it was my 1st Team Malaysia's Gathering, it was also my 1st pool villa party.

Team Malaysia banner with CNY deco at the entrance.

Upon reaching the entrance, there were already many people there. We came late due to children's nap time was delayed. So we missed the 'lou sang' session and only witnessed the aftermath of the 'lou sang' everywhere. Good sign. Good sign. Meaning wealth and blessing and STEEM splurted out everywhere, overflowing to the max. Aha!

@elizacheng greeted us and invited us to eat first, then her daughter @halleyleow gave me this wonderful paper quilling heart.


During eating time, I got to catch up a little with @calebleejl, and then @kokuryo. Indeed, you all are as amazing in the blog as in the person.

Son and I enjoying our dinner.

Also the food spread was amazing, with some kuih-kuih and tarts to satisfy the taste-bud. Thank you @aaronleang and @joannewong for preparing the place for us and also various people in #teammalaysia who worked behind the scene for the success of the event. This place is splendid and classy, with the panoramic KL city view.

Twin tower and KL tower - cityscapephotography.

Nice view behind us.

My son had been eyeing on the pool for some time, so after dinner he headed there with his buddy @asherlee and @khimgoh's son. I gotto babysit them so could not really engage much in conversation with people.

The children were happily playing water with their bum-bum wet and they did not care. Just so fun!

My son relaxing at the pool with elegant @backywecky in the photo too.

However, I was glad to have the chance to greet @aaronteng and @dianaxiaz. Also a little conversation with @cshaw to know him more.

Finally, I met our big brother @bitrocker2020, and was honored to take photos with him. Hehe. As well as took photos with @karinzdailygrind and @ackhoo (but the photos is not in my phone so I could not post). But I had photos with @joannewong, @chloephuan93 and @elvira.galina in my phone. You all are so sweet, except for @bitrocker2020, you're the man man!

Me with @joannewong.

Left to right: @happycrazycon, me, @chloephuan93.

Left to right: @happycrazycon, me and @elvira.galina.

And oh @orangila, the one busy taking professional photos of us all, wanted to talk to you more but we were all busy. @nickychu, I salute you for coming here for this all the way from Labuan. Safe flight back. Also @michelleloh168, our sweet-voice lady who came late due to dinner with family, I forgot our group photo was in whose phone now.

We left the place at 9ish and I met @firepower for awhile (shook hand, a brief hi and bye). Also met @kevinwong (also greeted hi and bye, but I was happy enough because better than nothing), before that when you were sitting in front of me at the pool, @happycrazycon and I were guessing was that you because your nametag was covered. And yes, that is you @kevinwong. ✌Yay! Finally, I met you in person.

Left to right: @chuazm, @cshaw, @maverickfoo, then we guessed who is that. @kevinwong? ☺ Yes! 😎

Thank you @firepower and your friends and crew @shenoy, @varunpinto and @sjennon that flew all the way from India for this CNY Gathering Party. Felt humbled and noble, at the same time nervous being interviewed by @shenoy and @varunpinto, because it was impromptu, just before we left, and so we might answer your questions without further thinking. Just answered whatever that came to the brain, hope it made sense. Luckily @happycrazycon and @dianaxiaz were together with me during the interview or else I would be as stiff as a log. After the interview, it was 10p.m. and we finally really say buh-bye.

There were many more others that I got to greet but could not talk more, like @littlenewthings, @branlee, @siren87, @khimgoh, @casperleow. Some others that I did not even get to greet like @natalielo, @crypto3d, @wackybecky (I really love your cool hair color), @wanaf, @arwinzen, @chuazm, @vikapuzach, @joyceann21, @yasminep, and others that I missed out. Till then, we shall meet again during the next Team Malaysia's Gathering.

It was an awesome night meeting people from different nationality but all have one common ground - Steemit and #teammalaysia.

Thank you for such memorable night. Even my son loved it and was reluctant to go home.

p/s: At the car park before I left the premise, I was lucky enough to meet @zord189 who rushed here from another event. Hmmm...that BBQ aroma smell! We (@happycrazycon, @ackhoo, @zord189 and myself) had chance to take photo somemore. Tee hee.

From left to right: @happycrazycon, myself and my son, @zord189 and @ackhoo.

Till the next meetup, everyone steem on!

With 💗, @iamjadeline



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