Hip Hop The Blockchain: Kuala Lumpur Meetup | "Participation is Power"

Have you ever felt what Hip Hop can do as a community? Getting together and have a quality time networking and just plain have a great time with music? This meet up covered it all!

I have been actively engaging in all the initiatives being taken within the Steemit community as much as I can to show my support for those who take their precious time and effort in organizing them for the community (Shoutout to @djlethalskillz and @bitrocker2020 on the Steemit Workhop). After attending 2 workshops about Steemit, there I was all pumped and hyped about this whole platform and how much everyone in doing so many amazing stuff, and eagerly waiting to join another. (@djlethalskillz couldn't attend the event due to being under the weather. Hope you're all up and well bro. Would've been even crazier if you were there. Always a next time!)

Video link for Dtube and YouTube below.

Hip Hop Music Was All Around!

From the efforts of one of the person I highly look up to in this community, not only Steemit but in the music and blockchain industry as a whole, @vandigital, came along the Hip Hop The Blockchain: Kuala Lumpur Meetup! The objective of this meetup was summarized in one line "Open Mic, Music, Workshop, Drinks!" Yes, that's what it was all about! The meetup took place at Fono. (Man! it felt so like a home away from there! Such chill environment! Respect to the guys at Fono!) Vandal's vision is to gather Real-World communities and empower the blockchain, contributing to many social benefits, solutions and create a widely spread, positively engaging community standing together as one contributing to the society.

We know music is a universal language. Need I say more about Hip Hop? It's one of the most highly communicative and spreading culture, not only a genre. Even though, not many actually know the real beauty of it because majority only see it as a genre, but Vandal is one of those individuals who holds Hip Hop extremely close to his heart. I can relate to his emotional attachment as a fan of the music and culture ever since I can remember. So, involving in his efforts and movement using Hip Hop to gather a community, was a huge learning experience on how much more Hip Hop can do!

The event began at 3:00p.m. When I arrived, there was no much people around besides Vandal himself and the good folks at Fono. We greeted each other, and chilled back to some music (Hip Hop of course). As minutes went by, more and more people started to step in. I met people from various interests. Most of them are not involved in the blockchain technology but came for the love of Hip Hop and because of the curiosity of wanting to know about the blockchain. This fulfilled the target of getting Hip Hop lovers around and inform them about the blockchain technology, particularly, @steemit! Creating awareness to them about the possibilities and opportunities they can get a hold of and participate in. And to educate them about #hiphoptheblockchain and what it's all about.

We did some physical exercise before we did a small cypher session. Wish I could show it, it was different. Haha! Then, we got in a circle, and began a quick cypher. Chris, an enthusiastic person from Kajang, blessed the cypher with a beautiful poem that he wrote specially for the event. My appreciation and respect goes to him for keeping it honest and real with every line. I wish him nothing but the best. I followed up with a pre-written rhymes of my own. Then, the one and only ABeatC delivered a sick beatbox session. First time seeing him live too (pleasure meeting you bro. Good talk!). Super dope! And Vandal dropped a killer freestyle to end the first half of the meetup. (To those who knows Vandal for his rhyming skills, I guess it's no surprise how amazingly skilled he is. Damn!)

We continued on to chill after that, talking with everyone that attended. Exchanging stories, experiences and contacts. Everyone had something interesting to share. One that grabbed my attention was from a fellow Chinese friend who had a high level of respect and love for real, old school Hip Hop music who writes his own poems in Mandarin language. He mentioned it's rare to find his people in the same community so he moved away from the common circle to explore more into communities that are more connected to Hip Hop. He also mentioned that it was the first time he witnessed people rapping live in front of him and it was amazing to him. That was something special to listen to. I hope I can meet him again in more similar events to come.

Hours passed, and those who had to leave early, made a move early. Couple of hours before the event ended, we decided to have a full on cypher session exchanging microphones between Vandal, Miles (One10%), Dice, Thev and myself. This was amazing! Listening to how creative each and everyone of them can be in rhyming over random beats being played (also crazy dope!). I was enjoying every bit of it. It was also one of the first time I was involved in a live cypher. Amazing experience for me to be among the elites. Became a learning process in rhyming too. Everyone had their own style to shine through. Salute guys! I enjoyed it! Definitely learned from you!

As you may have already noticed, there aren't any pictures I could add to this post. Trust me, I was so into the event, enjoying the moment that I totally forgot about grabbing some shots besides the main image you see above which was taken the moment I arrived there. However, I managed to shoot a few video clips for you. It will be like a small preview that will show you the environment and talent that gathered around and ending it with a short video late in the evening. Enjoy the video!

With that said, I would like to sincerely thank @vandigital for this amazing meetup! Thank you for having me. I truly enjoyed the day. I learned a lot. Met a lot of new individuals of many sorts. Being able to be a part of a community that is really active in making a solid network, was truly a pleasure. Looking forward for more events and meetups like this. I will always try my best to show my best support for all the efforts and initiatives. Make sure to follow Hip Hop the blockchain on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @hiphoptheblockchain. Keep track and involve on Steemit with the tag #hiphoptheblockchain and sign up at theblockchain.hiphop to participate in the revolution!

Until my next post, have a great day #steemians!

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"I wish to have a purpose for the volume knob..."

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Feel free to contact me if you wish for me to work (mix/master) on any of your future projects be it songs or audio for visuals.

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