Beautiful sunday Engino - play to invent #2 Windmill

It is beautiful sunday again! Let's join @ace108 #beautifulsunday contest.

Today i am sharing with you the second model "windmill" done by my daughter Venice. I wish to see all the 30 models completed then the set is worth the money! I hope you will not get bored by reading my post!

WhatsApp Image 2018-06-24 at 3.00.59 PM.jpeg

To disassemble the model is not easy, so will need adult assistant to disassemble then they can make the new model.
WhatsApp Image 2018-06-24 at 2.36.31 PM.jpeg

Proud sister completed the model by herself. Well done.
WhatsApp Image 2018-06-24 at 3.01.13 PM.jpeg

又到了美丽星期天 今天再一次分享创意新的模型玩具。女儿威尼斯似乎对这类乐高游戏很感兴趣。我想把所有三十个砌好的模型都记录起来,希望大家不会被我闷坏了。这个模型是风车,有些模型在说明书里没有,所以我在网上找了让女儿跟着做。做完一个模型之后要把它拆掉才能做第二个模型。要拆开模型就不是件容易的事,很多零件都很紧所以需要大人在旁协助。不过女儿很快的也把模型完成了。真棒!分享一个小视频。

希望大家喜欢我的分享 @itrmarcusliew

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