When the meowing got so loud and desperate, Levi (@littledrummerboy) says "LISTEN! cat!"

It was a usual Friday at the church where a bunch of us would be there by 11 am to clean the church, preparing it for Sunday service. Once done, we will hang around while waiting for the others to be done with their task. A few of us were hanging outside and while I was carrying @littledrummerboy, @happycrazycon 's going 3yo son, he exclaimed...

"LISTEN! Cat!"

While placing his hands over his ears in search of this meowing that grew louder and louder, sounding more desperate as the search got intense, we realized that this meowing is coming from inside the drain. We bent down to search and confirm whether it is an adult cat or a kitten and whether it was injured. Clearly, it is calling out for HELP!

We were deciding for some time on what to do and @happycrazycon kept asking Levi to pray for the cat, also at one point asked him, "should we save the cat?". Levi said, YES! And on we went, a few people came along to search for it because at this point, we still have no sight on this cat. FINALLY, at one point with the ray of sunlight shining through the hole into the drain, the little kitten stood there with such pity face meowing for help.

It was too heavy for us ladies who tried to open the drain lid and we called for help from one of our church mates. Then a random guy came along as well to offer his help. They easily opened the drain and the poor little kitty ran away as it was so scared. We enticed it with some food and it came nearer for us to reach it. I must say, this lil kitty was so desperate and brave to allow us to pick it up. Unable to reach because the drain was quite deep, the random man decided to lay his body down to extend his hands to grab the kitty.

Ahhh, lil kitty was so scared and I decided to hold on to it, give it some love and pet it. In no time, the shivers changed to purring. It laid on his back and allowed me to rub it's tummy, that's a sign of trust and total surrender. We let it off after awhile since it is a stray. A pretty lil stray.

Levi was so happy and glad that this lil kitty was rescued! It all started because of the exclamation "LISTEN, CAT!".

Here are some images to document what took place...







Lil kitty is safe now roaming around happily not before it decides to clean itself up

The little things we all can spare our time to do though this lil kitty may not permanently be ours. A compassion shown initiated by a 3yo boy.



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