Love It/Shove It Challenge...They Got Me!!

Hi There ๐Ÿ˜Š

It was bound to happen sooner or later.... And so here I am, in a Love It/Shove It Challenge started by @snowpea, to get to know fellow steemians. So thank you? to @alimamasstory and @khimgoh for nominating me ... I think. I enjoyed reading your likes and dislikes, so I guess it is only fair I now share.


So these are the rules:

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿฟ5 things you like
๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿฟ5 things you dislike
๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸฟTag #loveitshoveit
๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸฟNominate 5 friends or more

And we are ready to rock n roll.



  1. Sweet Stuff. I can live without carbs, but sweeties would be a challenge. I could go to a buffet and only eat dessert. I could eat dessert for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Give me my sugar!!!. I know, I know!! It's not good and I am trying to stop but it is what it is. Call it a love/hate relationship. Gummies, Coconut Candy, Sago Gula Melaka, Shaved Ice, , Cake...

  2. My Kids. It's a given right? Actually, I surprise myself because at one point I had made a decision not to have any and my man came around to it. And then bam!! I was pregnant and they just kept coming! But today, I cannot imagine what it'd be without my lot and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love them to bits!!

  3. Music. It's my 1st Love. As long as I can remember it does something to me, for me...and it escalated to an obsession in my teens. Wake up at 5.45 a.m. to listen to radio and be glued to it til end of broadcast at midnight. Record songs with my trusted tape recorder, which I bought when I was 15 by working part time in a factory. 'Til today, I can get lost in it.

  4. Colours. My calendar is colour coded. Each kid has a colour so at one glance I know who my time belongs to. I still have colour pencils lying around, some even at work. In my 20s and 30s when I moved house almost every other year, I'd paint the walls: orange, yellow, purple, green, blue and even gold... I've had them all. I even used sponging technics so I can have more than one colour on a wall.

  5. Working With My Hands. My gift wraps can sometimes be more of a highlight than the gift itself. I have made candles, painted on glass, sewed a wedding gown, made all the deco from scratch for my daughter's first birthday, and if time permits, I am considering a personalised Busy Book for my niece who turns 3 in a couple of weeks.



  1. Cockroaches. Especially the flying ones. I don't understand why they are always headed right at you. And how do they survive in store rooms and boxes? Why are they everywhere?.... except I have to say, touch wood, I haven't really seen any in my house. Maybe the cat has kept them at bay.

  2. Lizards. Not as bad as cockroaches because most times they run away from you. But then there are those occasional ones that will jump on you. And why can't anything keep them away? I have tried everything except for those sticky pads because to clear it would be too gross.

  3. Hypocrites. The kind who are so judgemental even though they are not perfect. The ones who think they are better than you just because they sin differently. The ones, who will call the kettle black. The ones who will give you free advice with a holier than thou attitude.

  4. Cold weather/temperatures. When I was in Perth during the winter, I couldn't sleep because the heater couldn't keep me warm. When I went to London, even though it was summer albiet a bad one, I wore 5 layers of clothes to keep me warm and still got a back ache controlling my shivers. (Imagine on my bucket list is to see and touch snow)

  5. Housework. I wasn't born for it. Can someone please create a self cleaning house (that is not a person because I am not comfortable with strangers living in my house). And the fact that it is never-ending is really quite annoying. Even as I am done with a thorough spring clean, it is time to start vacuuming and mopping again. Aaarrrggghhhh


There you have it. Ta-dah!!
I would now like to know a little bit about you @perennial, @sireh, @cbppls, @mrdarcy, @metzli, @simgirl .... please share your Love It/Shove It list ๐Ÿ˜Š

โ€™Til we meet again over text, pics, videos, maybe even coffee -Steem On!!


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