MyJuniors 1st Official Event - Making CNY Decoration

We will be celebrating Chinese New Year and ushering in the Year of The Dog in just 6 days and I had the opportunity to be part of the first #MyJuniors Steemit Chinese New Year (CNY) themed event today (10th February) learning how to make DIY decorations using ang pow packets (red packets) together with my two little boys Chapati and Murtabak. Hubby came along for the festivities and excitement too of course!


We arrived there just before 10 am and just about everyone was already there! Isn't it marvelous when people are excited enough to turn up early to an event? Considering the bad habits of our Malaysian timing and the horrendous pre-CNY traffic along all major highways...Steemit events here in Malaysia are just so "GEMPAK"!

@elizacheng kicking off the event and introducing all the adorable kids!

Then it was time to get into our little groups and start making the lanterns! Kor Kor @zord189 was our teacher and the kids took to him really quick! My little Chapati was all chatty and excited to start.
Kor Kor @zord189 showing them the steps with help from @elizacheng
(Photo Credit: Bitrocker2020)

Here is my attempt at folding 4 ang pows with my 4 year old and 2 year old...for like 5 minutes... A little while later they decided that it was more exciting to run off to play with the balloons and generally bug everyone else. So I ended up finishing up the lantern.

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Hubby managed to catch the 5 ok ok not so bad...10 mins of interest that I mentioned earlier

It was a fun two hours indeed being together as a family, meeting up with fellow passionate Steemians and being able to put names to faces! I really want my kids to be able to work more with their hands and to cultivate creativity so this event was just perfect. I wished I had more time to chat with people and also take more photos (we even forgot to take a family shot) I will really have to be intentional about this in the next event. (Can't wait!)

After all the excitement and fun activities my little Murtabak was so tired that he literally fell asleep halfway through lunch!

Not forgetting the finished lantern. (Soooo cute the little doggie pictures...)

A big shout out to everyone who worked so hard to make today's event happen, who put in so much effort researching and testing out various prototypes for the different decorations that we could make, made time out of their busy schedules to meet up and discuss ideas, went shopping and packed goodies bags for the kids, took photos, worked patiently and encouragingly with the kids, cutting out extra decorations pieces that could be used by the kids, chipping in to bring staplers and scissors so that there would be enough to go around, getting there two hours earlier this morning to prep beautiful helium balloons to add to the excitement, setting up a surprise celebration to remember an important date and just being awesome overall!

I have been with Steemit for only slightly over a month and am overwhelmed by the wonderful spirit of community, acceptance and genuine love for people here in Team Malaysia. I am so grateful to be a part this community and my journey here in Steemit is made all the better.

The people who made it happen!
@elizacheng @karinzdailygrind @davidke20 @khimgoh @orangila @wendygoh @notimetospace @aaronleang @zord189 @bitrocker2020 @joannewong (sorry I think I missed some people as I am still getting to know everyone and don't know their handles)

p/s I can't wait for the official photos to come out! Watch out for them by @orangila

Gong Xi Fatt Chai! May this year of the Dog bring you much love, happiness, prosperity and health!

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