Simple Dinner & Random Act of Kindness MakeMeSmile!

People always say Monday blue but not today, why?
Because my girlfriend this morning message me and said

"Darling, your dinner salad is in the fridge!"

It was so sweet when I receive it. Yes, most of the time she prepares dinner for both of us and the reason why she prepares in the morning because she works as customer service and her working hour is slightly different with me where I work from 9-6 pm she works from 1-10 pm. So ya she usually prepares our dinner at 11 am before she showers and goes to work.

You might ask since I said previously she prepares dinner for me like most of the time why is it so different today? Nothing special to be honest, the reason I felt so happy and touched is that last weekend I was in my hometown and she at PJ home, she puts the effort drive to nearby Tesco and buys grocery for our dinner this week. She takes a photo of what she bought to me. She can choose not to take a photo and not to message me the photo, it is a choice.

At that moment I felt so touched and I really thank her a lot for the effort and time spent to buy grocery. We usually did the grocery shopping together during the weekend when I didn't go back hometown.

Simple stuff like this really makes me smile and make me love her even more! :)

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